Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Summary of Salvation by Langston Hughes free essay sample
Rundown of Salvation by Longs Hughes Salvation was composed by Longs Hughes. This story is about when Hughes going on thirteen, he was spared from transgression. Be that as it may, his not so much spared. Church had a unique gathering for youngsters. The gathering was going to bring the youthful miscreant who had not yet been brought to Jesus. He was sitting tight for a light. Since hes auntie and numerous incredible elderly individuals disclosed to him that when his spared he will saw a light, and meeting transpired Inside, and Jesus will went to his life.God would be with him from that point on. So he was dancing for God to come to him. In any case, he was dancing and pausing, however nothing occurred. At long last all the youngsters had gone yet just him and a kid called Wesley were still Walt for Jesus to come. Time slipping away, they were all the while pausing. We will compose a custom exposition test on A Summary of Salvation by Langston Hughes or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page At last, Wesley said to him that he doesnt need to Walt any longer, at that point he Just get up and spared. Wesley told an Ill and left, so now Hughes was all solitary on the grievers bench.His auntie and different supplications came and lounged around him, they appeal to God for him. Hughes despite everything pausing. He needed to see him, tragically, nothing transpired, he didnt see the light. His auntie cried in light of the fact that Jesus didnt come to see Hughes. Its getting extremely late. Hughes began to reprimand himself for holding everyone up so long. He currently needed to realize Jesus' opinion of Wesley. The person who didnt see God either. Wesley lied, however nothing happened to him.God didnt rebuff him. So Hughes lie, as well. He got up and be spared. The last light of God at long last be spared. Everyone were so upbeat. Notwithstanding, in that night, Hughes cried. Alone in the bed. His auntie heard that, and told his uncle he cried in light of the fact that he saw Jesus today. He couldnt advise her the truthhe didnt see Jesus. He couldnt tell anybody that he had lied. From that time, Hughes didnt accepted there was a Jesus any more since he didnt come when he required assistance.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
buy custom The Banking Industry in the United States of America essay
purchase custom The Banking Industry in the United States of America paper A bank is any organization that goes about as a monetary connection between the customers, who need more capital, and those, who have excess of capital. Banks are profoundly significant establishments of money and are exceptionally managed by most governments. As a customer of the Wells Fargo bank, I love the simplicity, with which one can make sure about a credit for their college examines. In addition, I appreciate the simplicity, with which one can get ready payrolls and advantages for his/her staff for an independent venture. It is additionally simple opening a record with this bank. I would not change to some other bank, since this bank deals with the necessities of the basic clients, and is genuinely steady in business with a year-to-date net gain of $9,707,000. The advantages of insurance agencies cooperating with the financial organizations are many. The insurance agencies would have the option to cut on the representatives wages and pay rates as a portion of their items would be sold legitimately by the bank. This implies they will have less immediate salesmen. The bank staff would likewise have the option to get valuable data on the items sold by the insurance agency. It will likewise be a success win circumstance for both an insurance agency and a bank, as they will share the commissions. A nation may acquaint store protection with give security to its residents, who store cash in banking organizations. This might be done to some extent or full. This is aimed at shielding the residents from misfortunes emerging because of the failure of a financial foundation to pay to its customers. This is a system that is planned for giving stable monetary advancement to the establishments and bank contributors. This will cover the misfortunes of a bank nearly coming up short. In the event that a financial framework is efficient, the monetary development of a given country will undoubtedly be the forward way. At the point when the bank assesses and enhances the potetial danger of its borrowers, they contribute decidedly to the financial development of the country being referred to. Among the upsides of store protection is that it limits or rejects the peril of its customer confronting a misfortune. By giving the assurance of the customers capital, which might be his/her life-invest ment funds or indispensable exchange capital, the investor doesn't need to fear losing their capital, and can rather focus on maintaining their business. Store protection gives the conviction of the procedure of goals on account of a bank being very nearly coming up short. This progresses in the direction of support of dependability in any event, when emergency in the whole financial industry undermines. This framework ought to be incompletely sponsored by the citizens so as to diminish the weight, so the bank isn't let free by the legislature. The citizens are will undoubtedly make a benefit if there are zero endowments. This would ensure that both the banks under emergency and the contributors don't get additional benefit. Among the laws that have changed the financial business in the United States of America is the store protection approach that has seen the investors take credits to contribute without the dread of the banking getting into an emergency. The second is the law that secures the customer. This law gives the purchasers the privilege of data to the terms and conditions when opening another bank account. The third financial law is the focal financial guideline that is set up for the guideline of exchanges. Bank disappointments are an indication that industry is sound. This is on the grounds that when the business is sound, there is a lot of rivalry, so the business is open for everyone and simply the best banks will stay working. At the point when a bank is confronting emergency a merger is the most probable alternative so as to keep being in activity. For exammple the Berks County Trust Company and the Schuylkill Valley Bank converged to frame the Berks County Trust Company and at last the Wells Fargo Bank. Mergers are additionally significant so as to proceed with the strategically pitching of results of two budgetary organizations. A site ought to be intended to meet the desire for the customers. An organization can include the customers in the planning of its site by having a poll that the clients can satisfy. This should be possible through the input structure. The site structured ought to have the capacity of recording the quantity of guests every day and be outfitted towards advancing the items that the bank offers. Web extortion is turning into a typical demonstration in this time and an ever increasing number of clients end up helpless before web fraudsters. So as to forestall web misrepresentation one ought to never uncover their own data on the web. For instance your names, spot of living arrangement and work, just as all the passwords ought to consistently be kept hidden. The clients ought to never react to the messages from outsiders also. Clients should manage the organizations that are trusted and enquire with respect to when the items are to be conveyed. When you identify that you have been a casualty of the web extortion, you should initially put a misrepresentation alert on all credit exchanges that are done for your sake. As a client, one ought to speak with all the foundations that are influenced straightforwardly. Most budgetary foundations have resources that they have bought so as to expand their dissolvability. Sometimes the benefits that these monetary foundations secure don't have any physical substance. Altruism is a situation, where a financial foundation purchases another organization and pays more than what its net worth is. Among other elusive resources are contract overhauling rights and bought Visa rights. Purchase custom The Banking Industry in the United States of America exposition
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
A Study of Step 2 of the 12 Steps Faith
A Study of Step 2 of the 12 Steps Faith More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Overcoming Addiction Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Many whose lives are impacted by the family disease of alcoholism find hope again once they place their faith in a power greater than themselves. This is Step 2 of the 12 Steps: Step 2 Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Many members of Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon Family Groups come into the program with a strong faith in God, and with the encouragement of other members of the fellowship soon learn to apply that faith to the situations in their lives created by alcoholism. With the wisdom provided by the program, the friendship, and support of other members, the healing process begins with the help of a loving God, as they understand him. Agnostics and Atheists and Step 2 Others who are introduced to the 12-step programs are agnostics or atheists, who reject the concept of a deity. Many are turned off by even the mention of the word God and some bristle at even hints of anything spiritual. But, as it says in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, in the chapter entitled We Agnostics, we beg you to lay aside prejudice... and give the program a chance. The 12-step programs are spiritual, not religious. There is no mention of religious beliefs, doctrine, or dogma in the meetings or in the approved literature. Members are not required to accept someone elses concept of God, only to trust that there is a power greater than themselves however they wish to describe it or understand it. It seems to be a spiritual truth, that before a higher power can begin to operate, one must first believe that it can. You have to believe it, to receive it. Millions of program members through the years, who finally came to believe have found themselves amazed to find that power at work in their lives in seemingly miraculous ways. The Faithful and Step 2 For those who are strong in their religious faith, Step 2 can also present a challenge. If you have a conviction as to the nature of God, it can be disconcerting to hear higher power being used rather than God. You may have difficulty in accepting the nature of that higher power for other members of the group. Hearing that its okay to use a doorknob for a higher power if thats how you understand it, can be hard to accept. You may even find it offensive. However, to give a 12-step program a chance, you need to restrain that reaction and not let it block using the 12-step process. Religious prejudice can get in the way. Experiences of Step 2 Members of various 12-step groups have shared their experience, strength, and hope on each of the steps. Here are some of their stories. Carol tells of how she was raised in a family who was active in their church. When she attempted sobriety, she returned to her church. Slowly, I found that the God in my religion has a special face he shows only to drunks. And I found Him in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. He is there, waiting for us to ask for his help. Faith is the foundation of my AA life.Sox was prompted to attend a meeting by reading the This is AA pamphlet. I called one of the major clubs in my area and went to a meeting that night. But it was obvious to me that I had turned to God first, and then took Step 1. I knew that my life was insane and I knew there was a power greater than myself, but until that moment, I had always resented God for butting in where He wasnt wanted. Now I wanted Him, and sure enough, He led me to where I needed to be.Buddy, an Al-Anon member, says, At my first meeting, after reading some of the literature, I made the comment that I had a problem with the higher power references. Af ter that meeting, a long-time member came up to me and said. Im not saying to forget your religious beliefs, but just put them on hold for a while and give Al-Anon a chance. There was great wisdom what she told me. And if she had not taken the time to tell me that, I probably would have never come back and it would have been me who missed out on so much that God had in store for me. All the wisdom, help, friendship, encouragement, and spiritual growth that I have found in Al-Anon, I would have missed because of my own religious prejudices. So, my suggestion to newcomers is the same that I received: put your religious beliefs, or unbelief on hold and give the whole program a chance. Because Al-Anon is not a religious program, but a spiritual one.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What Does It Mean to Be a Full-Time Student
Youve probably heard the terms full-time student and part-time student in reference to college enrollment. Obviously, full-time students go to school more than part-time students, but what distinguishes the two often varies by institution. No matter what qualifies as a full-time student at your school, its important that you know the requirements because your enrollment status can affect your taxes and other obligations. What Is Full-Time Enrollment? In a very general sense, a full-time student is usually a student who takes 12 units, credits, or hours per term at an institution where the standard course load is 16 units, credits, or hours. This, of course, is a very general description. Each institution calculates credits differently, and what counts as full-time at a school that uses a semester system will be different from what counts as full-time at a school that uses a quarter system. Full-time students are often classified as such, as long as they are taking more than half of a traditional course load. To learn if you are considered a full-time student, you should check with your college or university. The registrars office will likely have their institution-specific definition posted online. If not, however, a quick phone call, email, or visit might be in order. Additionally, if you are a student who, for example, has some learning differences, what counts as a full-time course load for you might be different from what it is for other students. Some institutions will have their own definition of what it means to be a full-time student; others will use the definition provided by your college or university. The IRS, for example, classifies you as a full-time student if you are enrolled for the number of hours or courses the school considers to be full-time. Put simply, you need to ask the appropriate authority to learn your full-time enrollment requirements. Its crucial that you know whether or not you are a full-time student, as your enrollment status can affect your graduation timeline, among other things. Why Your Enrollment Status Matters Your enrollment status  whether or not you are classified as a full-time student  may affect different aspects of your education. For example, you may qualify for certain tax credits and deductions as a full-time student that you would not be eligible for as a part-time student. For this reason, youll want to check with your academic advisor or the registrars office before taking any action (such as dropping a class) that could potentially affect your enrollment status. If youre a student-athlete, you should know that you may not be eligible to compete if you fall below half-time enrollment. Your car insurance premiums and taxes are also related to your enrollment status. Perhaps most importantly, your financial aid and student loans are affected by whether you are a full-time or part-time student. For example, many student loans do not have to be repaid until you drop below full-time status. Be aware that reducing your course load may mean you have to start making student loan payments, which is something you dont want to be blindsided by.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Persuasive Essay The Indian Gaming - 1941 Words
Persuasive Synthesis The Indian gaming seems to have been the most effective project in transforming the life of American Indians that is, by creating a way of self-sufficiency for nations. Initially, the tribes had depended on grants from the government, tourism, agriculture as well as light manufacturing to earn a living. Initially, the few businesses that they had started such as shops and basket weaving among others were not successful. Other organizations had failed to prosper and were taken as poor wards of the state. Indian gaming became the main component for the growth of the community as well as the economic development. The gaming substituted the over reliance on federal government with the introduction of the cultural financial activity (Akee et al.190). The Foundation of the American Indian Casinos had vital improvements on both the tribe’s economy as well as their social lives. Not only did Casinos helped to decrease unemployment rates among the American Indians, but also increased t he income of Native American families. The Foundation of American Indian Casinos played a vital role in the economic as well as social life of the both tribes. For instance, the foundation has led to the comprehensive development of the education field (Belanger et al.14). Before the foundation was established, very few people could join the institutions of higher learning due to lack of financial resources. However, with the formation of the American Indian Casinos, the number ofShow MoreRelatedIntroduction to Large Scale Organizations18988 Words  | 76 Pagessystems -Focus on creating games that cant be duplicated at home, e.g. prize-vending machines, physical games Competitors -Microsoft, Sony have offered superior, higher quality and cheaper gaming that is also more entertaining -Timezone has to emphasise on Asia where competition from high-tech consumer gaming hasn t occurred (only 4% of revenue comes from Australia, 50 outlets in India opening between 2005 and 2008) ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE Objectives and strategy: the task of managementRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesCommunication 341 †¢ Nonverbal Communication 341 Organizational Communication 342 Formal Small-Group Networks 343 †¢ The Grapevine 343 †¢ Electronic Communications 345 †¢ Managing Information 349 Choice of Communication Channel 350 xiv CONTENTS Persuasive Communications 351 Automatic and Controlled Processing 351 †¢ Interest Level 352 †¢ Prior Knowledge 352 †¢ Personality 352 †¢ Message Characteristics 352 Barriers to Effective Communication 353 Filtering 353 †¢ Selective Perception 353 †¢ Information
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diversity in Faith and the Health Care Provider Free Essays
A comparative review of four religions: Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Christianity. This paper examines the belief systems and how diversity in faith affects the care givers philosophy of providing care. The importance of nurses to seek spiritual awareness is growing as the population becomes more diverse and health care facilities increase their efforts to create healing environments and meet the needs of every patient’s body, mind and spirit. We will write a custom essay sample on Diversity in Faith and the Health Care Provider or any similar topic only for you Order Now Diversity in Faith and the Health Care Provider. Understanding the diversity in faith within the health care setting helps maximize the healing care provided. Faith influences coping strategies, health behaviors and attitudes about seeking health care. The purpose of this paper is to compare the philosophy of providing care from the perspective of Buddhist, Judaism, and Islam faith with that of Christianity. As the population becomes more diverse, so does the need to become spiritual competent. Buddhist Faith Buddhism is based on the teachings of Buddha and focuses on finding inner peace. The goal of a Buddhist is to find â€Å"enlightenment†or a perfect peace through which will end his suffering. If enlightenment is not obtained a Buddhist will be reborn and continue to suffer another life (Chan, et al. 2011). The core beliefs are there is a right and noble path which leads to enlightenment, Karma: for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction, and Samsara which is the continued cycle of life and death that continues because of karma (Wilkins, et al. 2010). Buddhist exercises faith with prayers, mantras, mudras, prayer wheels and use of other objects to practice their faith. Being respectful of belongings and asking before touching or moving is important (Wilkins, et al. 2010). Death and Dying is a very important experience for Buddhist: Therefore a care giver will need to adjust what is typically known palliative care and have open discussion of expectations to meet their spiritual needs. Allowing for uninterrupted prayer and meditation as a Buddhist reflects on his life. Having a clear mind is important and they may decline pain medication or sedatives. A Buddhist’s perspective of a nurses who understands the importance of this belief and uses non-narcotic methods to reduce pain and provide comfort is also providing a â€Å"true expression of loving kindness and compassion in helping to relieve the suffering of others†(Chan, et al. 2011). Some other aspects to Buddhism is the care of a monk or nun require the care taker to be of the same sex, since they took an oath of celibacy. Additionally, the practice of Buddhism does not require a person to be a vegetarian and monks general only eat once a day and do not eat after lunch time. Since there are many cultures within the Buddhist faith it is important to ask (Chan, et al. 2011). Jewish Faith Judaism exists mainly in Israel, Europe and the USA. Judaism is the belief of one God and that Moses was the greatest prophet and Jesus was a false prophet. They read from the first five books of the bible which is called the Torah and pray to God only. Their religious leader is called a Rabbi who will recite scripture to the ill, perform ceremonies, sermons in a synagogue on Saturdays. The way Judi live their life is the most important aspect of their religion. The Jewish faith has a heighten awareness of health and consider health a mortal responsibility. As far back as two thousand years ago Jewish people practiced frequent hand washing and cleansing before meals. Furthermore, Jewish laws prohibit eating shellfish and pork to prevent trichinosis, which is still practiced today. Therefore asking about dietary restrictions is necessary. Islamic Faith Muslims believe in one God who has no son. Jesus is considered a prophet, but Muhammad was the last prophet sent by God. Muslims read from the Koran or Qur’an and worship in Mosques on Fridays. Islam is indigenous of African Americans, South Asians and Arabians. Religious leaders are referred to as Imams and have diverse qualifications and expertise. Imams pray with the ill and help patients to cope by helping them to maintain hope in God or Allah. Additionally Imams encourage healthy lifestyles, advocating for patient needs, and assisting in healthcare decisions. Women may not lead men into prayer and therefore cannot be Imams (Padela, et al. 2011). Islam practices of involve praying, fasting and religious rituals, such as the pilgrimage to Mecca. Islam main perspective on health and illness is that â€Å"Health and illness become part of the continuum of being, and prayer remains the salvation in both health and in sickness†(Rassool, 2000). Therefore allowing time for prayer is essential. Since 9/11 misconceptions, discrimination and abusive behaviors towards Muslims have resulted in a delay of care in the U. S. therefore they may not be forth coming about their faith or spiritual needs, leading to sicker patients with stifled spiritual care (Padela, et al. 2011). Christian Faith The writer of this paper is of Christian Faith, a protestant, a believer in God who is a holy trinity of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus is his son and incarnate of God himself. Religious leaders are called pastors or ministers and in the Catholi c religion leaders are referred to as priests or nuns. Faith is practice through prayer, reading the bible, and attending church on Sunday. Fellowship with other Christians, reaching out to non-believers to spread the word of Christ and living a righteously are encouraged. However, it is the belief that Jesus Christ is the savior of man and only through this faith will a person live eternally in paradise with God. Comparative Analysis While some faiths embrace death as a new beginning into the afterlife or next life, Judaism does not emphasize the afterlife and survivors are instructed to only grieve for a limited time and not excessively. However, Buddhism discusses death and dying openly and wants to maintain consciousness for as long as possible to mediate and reflect. Visualization and relaxation techniques are a large part of their meditation. Judaism, Islam and Christianity all believe in one God and prayer helps to the body, mind and spirit. Buddhist believes that the collection of ones â€Å"physical body, sensations, perceptions, mental formation, and consciousness††¦ â€Å"Will dissolve at the time of death, although some stream of consciousness undergoes rebirth†(Chan, et al. 2011). Although Buddhism is the least practiced among the religions discussed, it is Islamic that is the most misunderstood and is met with inequalities. Providing a safe place and building trust is required to meet the spiritual needs of American Muslims. Conclusion All religions teach love, compassion, and righteousness. Therefore, respecting ones spirituality and assessing for spiritual needs is an important aspect of all patient interactions. Understanding why other faiths believe what they do help nurses to facilitate and accommodate practices and honor sacred rituals, prayers and meditation. How to cite Diversity in Faith and the Health Care Provider, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Accounting Information is Objective and Neutral- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theAccounting Information is Objective and Neutral. Answer: Reflection This reflection is undertaken in order to have an understanding about accounting information. Accounting is a key part of the recording the financial transactions and thereby all the financial transactions are maintained in an effective manner. I have observed that there are several characteristics of accounting information and accounting has been a subject of sustainable development from year to year and therefore there has been a development of several regulations and concepts which have been incorporated in order to assist the accountants to display the correct picture. The double entry system was introduced globally and thereby it became the foundation of accounting and in the current time period it has become one of the significant tools for understanding the profitability of an entity, but even even the liquidity and the total performance in relation to the debts and the other factors that are non-financial in nature. I have observed that because of the fact that there have been high stake level that is involved and significance is given in order to restrict the stakeholders from being misinformed and therefore the accounting entities and the other governing bodies have taken measures in order to control the level of misstatements and this explains that accounting is objective in nature. The accounting information has certain amount of objective and it is seen that all the different level of accounting information have their unique objective and thereby tries to reduce misstatements. I have even observed that neutrality is even a characteristic of accounting information. Neutrality is even known as the quality of independence from biasness. Neutrality explains that during the formulation or the incorporation of the standards, the main issue is relevance and information reliability that improves and not has an impact that the new rule may have on a specific interest. It is seen that a neutral selection among the accounting substitutes are free from bias towards a prearranged outcome. The objectives of the financial statements serve towards users of various different data who have different interests and none of the prearranged outcome is likely to be suitable to the users. I can therefore state that accounting information and practices are determined impartially with no objective of focused bias for any type of user. I have noticed that there have been significant level of transformation in the process of accounting and accounting information with the advent of time as there have been several new kinds and mechanisms that have been introduced in order to enhance the process of accounting. Accounting information has significant level of value and it is seen that value of the accounting information is used by the users and the accountants in order to find out the result that is suitable for them. It is seen that there has been a fall in the value of accounting information with the transformation in the accounting standards. I feel that accounting information has an effective role to play with the help of which economic decision making can take place and thereby improvement in the operational plan and business decisions relating to various aspects can be undertaken. Bibliography Givoly, D., Hayn, C. and Katz, S., 2017. The changing relevance of accounting information to debt holders over time. Review of Accounting Studies, 22(1), pp.64-108. Magnan, M., Menini, A. and Parbonetti, A., 2015. Fair value accounting: information or confusion for financial markets?. Review of Accounting Studies, 20(1), pp.559-591. Prasad, A. and Green, P., 2015. Organizational competencies and dynamic accounting information system capability: impact on AIS processes and firm performance. Journal of Information Systems, 29(3), pp.123-149. Sudaryanti, D., Sukoharsono, E.G., Baridwan, Z. and Mulawarman, A.D., 2015. Critical Analysis on Accounting Information Based On Pancasila Value. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, pp.533-539.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Love Canal Essay Example
Love Canal Essay Example Love Canal Essay Love Canal Essay The case of Love Canal is one of the most tragic and well-known instances of environmental injustice in the history of the United States. Historically, blame has been placed upon the company that has since been held legally responsible for the wastes present in the area. Once one dives deeper into the issue, however, it can be seen that there are various deceptions that lie underneath what the media has reported regarding the disaster. In addition to discovering where true liability for the disaster lays, this can lead to developing strategies within the country to guarantee that this type of disaster does not happen again. Ironically enough, this disaster began with a dream for a better future. In the late 1800’s, William T. Love, a wealthy businessman at the time, had a dream to build a model industrial city in his hometown of Niagara Falls. He wanted to provide the city with a source of cheap power, so he decided that he would dig a canal to connect the upper and lower banks of the Niagara River, to provide space for a hydroelectric power plant. Unfortunately, an economic downturn caused abandonment of the project, and only about one mile of the canal was ever dug. From 1920 to 1943, the city of Niagara Falls used the small amount of canal as a municipal waste dumpsite. In 1943, Hooker Chemical and Plastics Company bought the canal, and began dumping toxic waste chemicals into the water in big chemical drum containers. They continued to pollute there until 1953, when they filled the canal with earth and sold it to the city of Niagara Falls for just one dollar. The city built one hundred new residential homes and a public school there. When residents began occupying the houses, they were oblivious to the toxic chemicals that were buried underneath the ground right in their backyards and directly underneath the school that their children attended. Eventually, the chemicals rotted entirely through the drum containers, and began leaching into backyards, basements, and even the school’s lower floor. Then the inexplicable increase in illnesses began. By the 1970’s, there was a massive rate of birth defects (5 of the 24 children born had defects), miscarriages (50%), and congenital defects being found in the residents of the town and their children (Regenstein). Children who attended the public school were becoming very ill with symptoms stemming from neurological problems, some of which the doctors even had a hard time diagnosing. One housewife of the town, Lois Gibbs, began noticing that her 7-year-old son was coming home from school sick more than ever before, and discovered that he had developed symptoms while at school. She began doing research on the area, and discovered the Love Canal’s past. She pleaded for the city to evacuate residents. Although ignored by officials, she drew up quite a large base of supporters, many people also noticing that their children had become ill since they began attending the school. Eventually, after many cases of illnesses and much public opposition, the city began evacuating young children first, and then families who lived in the residential houses. The media found Lois Gibb’s story very appealing. They followed her journey from starting as a housewife in a small town in New York State to becoming an outspoken leader for a movement to hold the Hooker Chemical Company responsible for what had happened there two decades before. She felt that the Hooker Chemical Company should be liable for cleaning up the site and reimbursing families who had been affected by the pollution. Although Lois Gibbs shared an opinion with many people, there was just not enough concrete evidence to convict the company of being responsible. One person that found Gibb’s story worthy of public attention was Michael Brown, who wrote a book called Laying Waste: The Poisoning of America by Toxic Chemicals, in which he laid all blame directly on the Hooker Chemical Company for the disaster. This book was adopted as the true story by most media outlets, so naturally the public was convinced that the company was to blame and no one else. As public knowledge increased due to Lois Gibb’s efforts, remediation became much more important. On August 7th, 1978, President Jimmy Carter approved emergency government aid for the area, which was the first time government funds were used for a disaster that was not considered to be â€Å"natural. †This funding became the Environmental Protection Agency’s Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, also known as the â€Å"Superfund†program. Over one hundred million dollars was used to clean up the canal. Efforts finally concluded in 2004, when the land was considered safe to once again live on. Residents have begun to fill the newly-renovated residential homes in the town that they have now officially renamed the Black Creek Village. With the case of Love Canal comes controversy over who is fully to blame for the issues at hand. Historically, the blame has been placed on the Hooker Chemical and Plastics Company because they were the company that was actively dumping toxic chemicals in the abandoned canal. Also, many people such as Lois Gibbs and her supporters) believe that the company sold the land for such a cheap price because they knew that there would be detrimental effects on the environment and human health due to the wastes. The government took this position on the matter as well. The U. S. Department of Justice, who acted for the Environmental Protection Agency, sued the company by filing four suits against it and its parent corporation, the Occidental Petroleum Corporation. The four suits requested that the company have to clean up the four sites in Niagara Falls that posed a danger to residents of the region. After the case went to trial, it became clear that even the Judicial System agreed that Hooker Chemical Company was responsible for the damages that resulted from the dumping. The New York Times published an article on February 24, 1988 that was considered a great victory for those who viewed the situation as the Hooker Company’s fault. The article described the rulings of the federal trial against the Occidental Petroleum Corporation. John T. Curtin, the active judge on the case, ruled that the company was liable for the damages under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980. The judge also states that in addition to being responsible for the production and dumping of the wastes, they also stored the wastes in dangerous ways that would eventually lead to leaching straight through the storage drums. With this ruling, however, one has to ask why the U. S. Regulatory System would approve the company’s disposal techniques. It is also important to ask whether or not the chemicals would have actually leached if they were not disturbed by the construction vehicles that most likely punctured the drum containers. The issue of repayment was not settled in the trial, although the government was asking for $117,580,000 to replace the money that they had spent. This problem was not settled until June 1989. On the morning of June 1, 1989, Thomas C. Jorling, Commissioner at the time of the New York State Department of Conservation, issued a public news release to announce that the Occidental Petroleum Corporation had signed a consent order for the storage and destruction of the wastes from the Love Canal cleanup. This was the company’s first acknowledgement and acceptance of responsibility for the cleanup efforts. This was also a landmark agreement because the cleanup had previously been performed by government agencies, funded by taxpayers’ money. This was the first case that bound a company to pay for clean-up funds, rather than making taxpayers cover the costs. The agreement saved taxpayers more than $20 million that would have been used for construction, operating, and engineering costs. The company agreed to transport the chemicals that were brought up from the ground to their plant in Niagara Falls, store them in a newly renovated and safe storage building, and burn them in an incinerator that was set to be built at the plant. Although in signing this consent order the company assumed responsibility, they still fought to ensure that they were not legally liable for the damages and public health effects of the wastes present in the canal. At this point, many people were pleased with the fact that the Hooker company was being held responsible for what they had done. A various perspective on the issue, however, can be seen in an article titled â€Å"Love Canal: The Truth Seeps Out,†written by a long-time contributor of Reason magazine, Eric Zuesse, that was published in the February 1981 issue of the magazine. In the article, Zuesse states that the Niagara Falls Board of Education is the party that should be taken to court by the Justice Department. He believes that â€Å"hardly ever has there been a more blatant example of Big Brother successfully hiding the skeletons in his closet or of a gullible investigative reporter and compliant media going along with the cover-up so that a bunch of bureaucrats can pass the buck to some bewildered private interest. He suggests that the case of Love Canal is an example of government keeping secrets from public knowledge so as to keep the real persons responsible safe and punish and destroy private interest corporations who are easily blamed for the problem. A â€Å"gullible investigative reporter†is Zuesse’s referral to Brown and his book that was adopted by the media. Zuesse states that his first indication that the true story was not being told was that there was little mention of the fact that the Board of Education had owned the l and for 25 years prior to all of the uncovering of the land’s past usages. He began doing research, and found the deed that was used in the transfer of property. There is a clause at the end of the deed that contains this statement: †¦ The grantee herein has been advised by the grantor that the premises above described has been filled †¦ with waste products resulting from the manufacturing of chemicals by the grantor †¦ and the grantee assumes all risk and liability incident to the use thereof †¦ As a part of the consideration for this conveyance and as a condition thereof, no claim, suit, or action or demand f any nature whatsoever shall be made by the grantee †¦ against the grantor, for injury to a person or persons, including death resulting there from, or loss of or damage to property caused by †¦ said industrial wastes. (1) In this excerpt from the deed, it is shown that the Hooker Company had warned the Board of Education of the risks associated with development and use of the land that was being sold to them. Also, they transferred all legal liability to the Board of Education for any property loss, injuries, or deaths resulting from the use of the land. The fact that the Board of Education still agreed to buy this land, and then additionally decided to build a public school on it, cannot be overlooked in the issue of who is to blame for the destruction at Love Canal. Zuesse also believes that although at first it seems that the Hooker Company was anxious to rid themselves of the land, it can be interpreted that they were giving a clear warning to not only the Board of Education but to all future owners of the land that it is a dangerous place to develop on. Zuesse states that it is tough to attribute this fact to the â€Å"reckless and negligent attitude†that the media was characterizing the company as having, which could be why it was overlooked by the general public. Zuesse also tried to contact various former members of the Board of Education that were involved in the purchase of the land, and not one of them would comment on the matter. They either hung up on him or ignored the situation completely. One member just said that â€Å"it’s better to let sleeping dogs lie,†and commented that the Board had no legal liability. This is obviously false when you take a look at the deed itself. The Hooker Company did not want any of this to happen. They wanted the land to be left alone, or sold to someone who would take care of the problem. Zuesse has some concrete evidence to support the claim that although the Hooker Chemical Company may have been responsible for the chemicals, the Board of Education can be seen as the real perpetrator for building on land that they knew was not suitable for a residential area, and especially not for a school which young children attended. The Board put their residents in danger by ignoring the various warnings they were provided with. With all of this information, the question must be asked as to whether the Justice Department was right in bringing a lawsuit against the company. Obviously, the company was easiest to blame for the disaster. Also, families who were affected by Love Canal were so distraught that they couldn’t fully comprehend the fact that there may have been other factors that contributed. In New York State, it is illegal to transfer legal liability for land between parties, so technically it was acceptable for the Justice Department to bring the Hooker Company to court. However, it should be stated that in addition to punishing the company, they should also bring the Board to court and try them for negligence. This case is especially relevant still today because since the U. S. Regulatory System knew this practice was going on and still approved it, there could be many other sites in the same situation as Love Canal just waiting to be uncovered. Because of this, new policies need to be enacted. First of all, there needs to be new standards of what constitutes a safe way of disposing of these harsh chemicals. Of course, this dumping began in the 1950’s, and since then we have adopted stricter rules on the matter, but companies continue to work around them, still dumping chemicals in waterways to this day. Also, there needs to be a citizen right to know policy enacted, in which citizens have the right to knowledge regarding all pollutants and chemicals that they come into contact with throughout their daily lives. Perhaps if the Love Canal residents had known exactly what chemicals were present there, they would have demanded better standards for the land that they lived on and they would have demanded that the remediation be performed sooner, before they all came down with strange symptoms. Sometimes in our society, horrible circumstances have to take place in order to improve our standards of living. Sadly, the Love Canal tragedy occurred because basic human rights were overlooked in order to make a prosperous city. However, we can extract lessons from this to guarantee that it does not happen again. â€Å"A Judge Orders Company to Pay Love Canal Cost. †(Metropolitan Desk). New York Times. 24 Feb 1988. New York State Newspapers. Web. 13 Nov 2009. Jorling, Thomas. â€Å"Occidental Chemical Signs Consent Order for Storage and Destruction of Love Canal Wastes. †EPA Press Release (1989). Web. 11 Nov 2009. Regenstein, Lewis. America the Poisoned. Illustrated ed. Washington, D. C. : Acropolis Books Ltd. , 1982. Print. Zuesse, Eric. â€Å"Love Canal: The Truth Seeps Out. †Reason Magazine Feb 1981: 16-33. Web. 11 Nov 2009.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Ancient Maya Civilization Classic Era
Ancient Maya Civilization Classic Era The Maya culture began sometime around 1800 B.C. and in a sense, it has not ended: there are thousands of men and women in the Maya region still practicing traditional religion, speaking pre-colonial languages, and following ancient customs. Still, the Ancient Maya civilization reached its peak during the so-called â€Å"Classic Era†from around 300-900 A.D. It was during this time that the Maya civilization achieved its greatest achievements in art, culture, power, and influence. The Maya Civilization The Maya civilization thrived in the steamy jungles of present-day southern Mexico, the Yucatn Peninsula, Guatemala, Belize, and parts of Honduras. The Maya were never an Empire like the Aztecs in central Mexico or the Inca in the Andes: they were never unified politically. Rather, they were a series of city-states independent from one another politically but linked by cultural similarities such as language, religion, and trade. Some of the city-states became very large and powerful and were able to conquer vassal states and control them politically and militarily but none was ever strong enough to unite the Maya into a single Empire. Beginning in 700 A.D. or so, the great Maya cities fell into decline and by 900 A.D. most of the important ones had been abandoned and fell into ruin. Before the Classic Era There have been people in the Maya region for ages, but cultural characteristics that historians associate with the Maya began appearing in the area around 1800 B.C. By 1000 B.C. the Maya had occupied all of the lowlands currently associated with their culture and by 300 B.C. most of the great Maya cities had been founded. During the late Preclassic Period (300 B.C. – 300 A.D.) the Maya began building magnificent temples and records of the first Maya Kings began to appear. The Maya were well on their way to cultural greatness. Classic Era Maya Society As the Classic era dawned, Maya society was clearly defined. There was a king, royal family, and a ruling class. The Maya kings were powerful warlords who were in charge of warfare and who were considered to be descended from the gods. Maya priests interpreted the movements of the gods, as represented by the sun, moon, stars, and planets, telling the people when to plant and do other daily tasks. There was a middle class of sorts, artisans, and traders who enjoyed special privilege without being nobility themselves. The vast majority of Maya worked in basic agriculture, growing the corn, beans, and squash that still make up the staple diet in that part of the world. Maya Science and Math The Classic Era Maya were talented astronomers and mathematicians. They understood the concept of zero, but did not work with fractions. The astronomers could predict and calculate the movements of the planets and other celestial bodies: much of the information in the four surviving Maya codices (books) concerns these movements, accurately predicting eclipses and other celestial events. The Maya were literate and had their own spoken and written language. They wrote books on specially prepared fig tree bark and carved historical information into stone on their temples and palaces. The Maya used two overlapping calendars which were quite accurate. Maya Art and Architecture Historians mark 300 A.D. as the starting point for the Maya Classic era because it was around that time that stelae began to appear (the first one dates from 292 A.D.). A stela is a stylized stone statue of an important king or ruler. Stelae include not only a likeness of the ruler but a written record of his accomplishments in the formed of carved stone glyphs. Stelae are common at the larger Maya cities that thrived during this time. The Maya built multi-storied temples, pyramids, and palaces: many of the temples are aligned with the sun and stars and important ceremonies would take place at those times. Art thrived as well: finely carved pieces of jade, large painted murals, detailed stonecarvings, and painted ceramics and pottery from this time all survive. Warfare and Trade The Classic era saw an increase in contact between the rival Maya city-states - some of it good, some of it bad. The Maya had extensive trade networks and traded for prestige items such as obsidian, gold, jade, feathers and more. They also traded for food, salt and mundane items like tools and pottery. The Maya also fought bitterly with one another. Rival city-states would skirmish frequently. During these raids, prisoners would be taken to be used as slaves or sacrificed to the gods. Occasionally, all-out war would break out between neighboring city-states, such as the rivalry between Calakmul and Tikal in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. After the Classic Era Between 700 and 900 A.D., most of the major Maya cities were abandoned and left to ruin. Why the Maya civilization collapsed is still a mystery although there is no shortage of theories. After 900 A.D., the Maya still existed: certain Maya cities in the Yucatn, such as Chichen Itza and Mayapan, thrived during the Postclassic era. The descendants of the Maya still used the writing system, the calendar and other vestiges of the peak of Maya culture: the four surviving Maya codices are thought to have all been created during the postclassic era. The different cultures in the region were rebuilding when the Spanish arrived in the early 1500s, but the combination of the bloody conquest and European diseases pretty much ended the Maya renaissance. Sources: Burland, Cottie with Irene Nicholson and Harold Osborne. Mythology of the Americas. London: Hamlyn, 1970. McKillop, Heather. The Ancient Maya: New Perspectives. New York: Norton, 2004. Recinos, Adrian (translator). Popol Vuh: the Sacred Text of the Ancient Quichà © Maya. Norman: the University of Oklahoma Press, 1950.
Monday, February 17, 2020
SMOKER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
SMOKER - Essay Example He has noticed a recurrent morning cough and increased production of mucus over the past 2 months or so. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an obstructive lung diseases that is characterised by inadequate airflow which is chronic in nature. The disease arises when the bronchi are scarred and inflamed as well as the damages of the alveoli. This process occurs after several years and is usually caused by cigarette smoking. In essence, several scholars incorporated emphysema and bronchitis in defining COPD. Bronchitis is defined as presence of chronic productive cough for a period of 3 months in 2 consecutive years. While emphysema is an abnormal enlargement of the air spaces that are distal to the terminal bronchi with obvious destruction of the bronchiole walls (Decramer, Janssens, & Miravitlles, 2012). Cigarette smoking is the major cause of COPD accounting for 80%-95%; however, some factors have also been associated with the disease and they include air pollution like in poorly ventilated cooking places. Occupational exposure to irritants such as dust, fumes and other chemicals, which are found in textile industries, gold mines among others. Genetics have been noted to have a major role in the development of COPD, whereby those individuals who lack alpha 1-antitrypsin are likely to develop COPD (Barnes, 2014). Shortness of breath: This is the most worrying symptom to most people with the disease; occasionally patients complain that they cannot inhale enough air. This symptoms is usually worsened by exertion, however in the advanced stage of COPD it can occur during rest. The pathological changes in COPD usually occur in the lung parenchyma, the bronchi as well as the bronchioles. Several causes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease occur due to exposure to the noxious substances or stimuli such as cigarette smoke. The Pathophysiology is not very clear and is most likely to be diverse. However, elevated numbers of activated
Monday, February 3, 2020
Conjunctiva Pathology and Treatment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Conjunctiva Pathology and Treatment - Essay Example Caution must be practiced since they cause elevated pressure inside of the eye, which can lead to vision damage and cataracts if not properly supervised under the directions of the doctor. Many people develop callous-like thickenings of the conjunctiva on the front of the eye, usually located on the nasal portion of the conjunctiva. Such eyes are susceptible to irritation caused by dry climates (especially with windy conditions), as well as toxic vapors, salt water spray, excessive exposure to the sun (ultraviolet radiation), and even inadequate natural lubrication of the eye (tears). There are 2 types of these raised, yellowish or yellowish-white patches: one type is a "pinguecula" and the other a "pterygium." A pinguecula often is a benign yellowish growth due to the fatty degeneration of the conjunctival collagen fibers near the cornea to be replaced by thicker more durable fibers and sometimes calcium crystals. It can emerge following a short exposure to damaging irritation, such as excessive dryness or sun (UV radiation). Continuous exposure increases tissue destruction.Welding also may be an occupational risk factor. There has no effect on vision and takes weeks to months to resolve. The source of irritation must be eliminated; artificial lubricant drops may be used. Anti-inflammatory ointments may be prescribed for the irritation if experienced. Pterygium A pterygium, is a benign white to pink triangular wedge shaped growth in the conjunctiva, its base in the interpalpebral conjunctiva while its apex towards the cornea. Although it is caused by the same factors of a pinguecula (mainly excessive sunlight exposure, and tropical climates), it often has inflamed blood vessels infusing into it for nourishment. A pterygium does not emerge from a pinguecula. Contrary to the pinguecula, a pterygium usually evolves
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Performance of the Bretton Wood System
Performance of the Bretton Wood System THE PERFORMANCE OF THE BRETTON WOOD SYSTEM This essay will assess the performance of the Bretton Wood system which was first established in 1944 by 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations who gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, and began an international control of global monetary relations between nations. The essay will show that the system has been relatively successful and contributed towards the development of global free trade amongst nations and helped prevent the kind of economic disasters such as the Great Depression of the 1930s, which was felt to have been one of the causes of World War 11. However, the essay will also argue that criticism of the Bretton Woods as merely the vehicle for US hegemony over the international economy is also justified. The Bretton Woods System began in 1944 with the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, and established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). In the new agreement on the monetary system, each country member must ensure the exchange rate of its currency is remained within a fixed value,in terms of gold and for the IMF to help support countries suffering temporary imbalances of payments (Markwell, 2006). The Bretton Woods agreement came near the end of a World War that had devastated the globe and many thought that the war itself was partly a result of the economic policies of the pre-war years. In the 1930s the United States preferred policies of isolationism that led them to demand repayment of Allied war debts from World War 1 and caused countries to independently set economic conditions for global trade that cause deflationary problems that aggravated the decline of world trade, led to mass unemployment and negatively affected the majority of the economies of the developed world. The most serious outcome was the decline in the international flow of capital and the retarding of development of international investment. The War left the main economies aware that peace could only be maintained if countries cooperated and efficiently managed the value and exchange rates of currencies. As Cordell Hull (US Secretary of State) argue if there was a freer system of trading where countries treated fairly and eased on trading regulations, they could all raise their living standards, therefore, economic development would be a peaceful competition, thus eliminating the economic dissatisfaction that breeds war (Hull, 1948, p.81) Keynesian economic theory was now the dominant foundation of most countries economic policy-making and this promoted a greater role for government in trade with national politics based on governments assuming a responsibility towards all their citizens. The War also left countries feeling a clear need for economic cooperation and peace to be maintained through trade and that trade to be structured by an international monetary system based on free markets (Markwell, 2006). However, it was the plan of Harry Dexter White from the US Treasury, rather than Keyness own plan that was the main framework for the Bretton system, and this showed from the outset that the dominant nation in the system would be the USA, leading to accusations that the Bretton system is little more than an economic vehicle for American hegemony (Strange, 1996) The first goal of the new approach to global trade was post-war reconstruction of the devastated economies of Europe and Asia. The Bretton Woods system, as the ‘first example of a fully negotiated monetary order intended to govern currency relations among sovereign states†(Cohen, 2009, p.1). However, the reality was that Europe and large parts of Asia were in virtual economic collapse due to the World War and the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) needed to also be supported by an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, now known as the World Bank (WB). The system was designed to regulate â€Å"the par value exchange rates and lend reserve currencies to nations with trade deficits†thus enabling them with international assistance to re-build their economies and later to help finance the poor or developing countries with their reconstruction projects (Stephey, 2008, p.1) If we examine how nations did recover from the War and the impressive development in the 1950s and 1960s of countries like Germany and Japan, then our assessment of this period of the Bretton Woods, aligned with the Marshal Plan for reconstruction, must agree that Bretton was a positive influence and relatively of some success. The Great Depression in the 1930s was due to the lack of a leading, dominant state to play a hegemonic role in the international economy. In Bretton Woods institutions the US dollar was the dominant currency and became the extension of American hegemony to the international economy (Stephey, 2008, p.2). However, as Susan Strange noted, any multilateral institution might become merely the â€Å"instruments of the structural strategy and foreign policy of the dominant state†, and for many critics of the IMF and the World Bank, the problem is the dominance through these institutions of the majority of the globes nations by a very few powerful nations led b y the US (Strange, 1996). The IMF is seen as a multilateral institution that lends money to governments to stabilize currencies and maintain order in international financial markets. However, its lending carries stringent loan conditions that many see as contributing to worsening conditions for the majority of citizens in the countries that are least able to compete with the economic might of developed countries (Strange, 1996). The IMF is supposed to focus on creating ‘a stable climate for international trade by harmonising its members monetary policies, and maintaining exchange stability (Bretton Woods Project, 2005). It can ‘provide temporary financial assistance to countries encountering difficulties with their balance of payments and it is based on consensual decision-making with the aim of ‘helping countries whose economies are under-developed or in crisis (Bretton Woods Project, 2005). However, to assess the success of this one has to evaluate the degree of ‘fairness in IMF/World Bank strategies and many critics, like Strange (1996) and Mazzei (2007) are highly critical of the true purpose of the Bretton Woods System. For example, Mazzei (2007) finds that it is the ‘poor countries that actually finance the World Bank and not the other way around (p.2). Mazzei notes how ‘that for 20 years poor countries have financed the World Bank, while it is rich countries that co ntribute only 1/4 of total fund and yet it is them who hold 3/4 of the votes (p.2). The first major point of concern for the global economy was in 1971 when the US used its power over the global economy through the Bretton Woods system to protect its own interests against those of the rest of the world. The United States unilaterally terminated convertibility of the dollar to gold. The US could now unilaterally control the global economy by insisting that the United States dollar became the sole backing of currencies and a reserve currency for all the member states (Strange, 1996, p.20). This actually led to the virtual collapse of the Bretton Woods System in the 1970s and plunged the world into economic decline while it fought to adjust to the changes brought about by US policies (Strange, 1996; Cohen, 2009, Calleo and Rowland, 1973). The US ended the tying of the Dollar to the Gold Standard and left it and other global currencies to float free. Keynes had originally planned that the world adopt a global currency but it was adoption in 1944 of Dexter Whites own pla n to make the dominant trading currency of the world the Dollar that had structured the future policies of the IMF/World Bank and allowed the US to have the power to dominate the globes trade. By the 1970s the US was coming under strong criticism for its unilateral control of global trading. French President Charles De Gaulle ‘claimed that the international monetary system allowed the United States to live beyond its means and forced the European surplus countries to finance Americas military empire overseas (Gavin, 2002, p.4). The Bretton Woods system was designed to separate monetary economic policies from power politics, and yet, by the 1970s it had become ‘highly politicized and required constant political intervention to keep the system functioning smoothly (Gavin, 2002, p.5). The faults of the Bretton Woods System were listed by Bordo (1991, p.20) as ‘the gold exchange standard, which placed the United States under threat of a convertibility crisis secondly the problems with the ‘adjustable peg, because, in the face of growing capital mobility, the costs of discrete changes in parities were deemed so high, the system evolved into a reluctant f ixed exchange rate system without any effective adjustment mechanism and finally that ‘U.S. monetary policy was inappropriate for a key currency. Thus, the Bretton Woods System collapsed in the 1970s but its basic institution of the IMF and subsequently the World Bank remain as the guiding bodies of the international economy. The World Banks task is lending to promote the growth of world trade and to finance the post-war reconstruction of European economies. It is a ‘multilateral institution that lends money to governments and government agencies for development projects. However, the Bank also imposes harsh conditions through Structural Adjustment Programs, forcing countries to adopt reforms, deregulate capital markets, promote privatisation of state enterprises, and downsize public programs for social welfare. This results in policies such as privatisation of utility suppliers, bringing in fees and privatisation of education and health services. For its critics the World Bank and IMF have become the contributors to the persistence of world poverty rather than vanguard for preventing it and represent not the interests of the global society but rather the interests of Wall Street and the United States Treasury Department (Strange 1996, Cohen, 2009, Markwell, 2006) In contrast, the supporters of the World Bank insist that the Bank is an institution in which the rich developed countries can serve to improve the global economy and the ‘capacity of countries to trade by lending money to war-ravaged and impoverished countries for reconstruction and development projects (www.imf.org). Thus, in assessing the success of the Bretton Woods System and its subsequent trading organisations such as the IMF and the World Bank, one can see a very different analysis depending on your political affiliation. Rather than separate power politics from global trading, the System has become directly linked to the fortunes and hegemony of the US. Its record in helping a devastated globe recover from the affects of World War 11 is very good and the global economy has grown over each decade. However, its critics still see it as chiefly dominated by the US and its allies and whilst it continues to support the growth of trade its image as a vehicle mainly for the US retards how well its future role in the global economy will be judged by the growing economic powers of countries like China and India. Reference: Bloch, F.L. (1977) The Origins of International Economic Disorder, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press Bordo Michael (1991)The Bretton Woods International Monetary System: An Historical Overview, Chicago press, US Bretton Woods Project,( 2005) What are the Bretton Woods Institutions, www.brettonwoodsproject.com Calleo, D.P. and Rowland, B.M. (1973) America and the World Political Economy, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press Cohen, Bernard (2009) Bretton Woods System, USA, Routledge Eichengreen, B. (1996) Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Gavin Francis (2002) ‘The Gold Battles Within the Cold War Diplomatic History, US. Hull, Cordell (1948). The Memoirs of Cordell Hull: vol. 1. New York: Macmillan. Keynes, John Maynard (2007) [1936]. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan Markwell Donald, (2006) John Maynard Keynes and International Relations: Economic Paths to War and Peace, Oxford University Press, Mazzei, Umberto (2007) The Temple of Capital is Cracking, Ventana Global , Spain Stephey M J (2008) A Brief History of the Bretton Woods System, Time Magazine, USA Strange, S. (1976) International Economic Relations of the Western World 1959-1971, Vol. 2: International Monetary Relations, London and New York: Oxford University Press Strange Susan (1996) The retreat of the State†: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy UK, Cambridge Press Internet sources: M.J. Stephey, Bretton Woods System[ Brief paper],Time CNN, Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2008. Availbale from http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1852254,00.html#ixzz0gvqYryL2 [accessed 23 March 2010] The World Bank[Web Document] Available online from: http://www.globalpolicy.org/social-and-economic-policy/the-three-sisters-and-other-institutions/the-world-bank.html [accessed 23 March 2010] What are the Bretton Woods Institutions? Published: Tuesday 23rd August 2005, last edited: Thursday 25th January 2007[online] available from: http://www.brettonwoodsproject.org/item.shtml?x=320747 [accessed 23 March 2010]
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Metaphysical Poetry and John Donne Essay
Define metaphysical poetry, its characteristics and John Donne as a metaphysical poet. The concept metaphysical deals with the philosophical view of the nature of things. Metaphysical poetry is often mentioned as poetry inspired by a philosophical concept of the universe and the role assigned to the human spirit in the great drama of existence. Metaphysical poetry is involved with the whole experience of man, but the intelligence, learning and seriousness of the poets. Metaphysical poetry has an amazing power to explore and express ideas and feelings about the world and its diverse phenomena in a rational way to captivate the readers. Metaphysical poems are lyric poems. A group of 17th-century poets, whose work is characterized by the use of complex and elaborate images or conceits, typically using an intellectual form of argumentation to express emotional states are denoted as metaphysical poets. Members of this group include John Donne, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, Andrew Marvell, Robert Herrick and Richard Crashaw who explored the nature of the world and human life, and who used images that were surprising at that time. Their poetic works have been abundant with the various perspectives of human life especially – like love, romance and sensuality; about man’s relationship with God – the eternal perspective, and to a less extent, about pleasure, learning and art. The metaphysical poetry presents innovative and wondrous use of puns, paradoxes and employs cunning logical propositions; Metaphysical poem is brief but intense and embodies a style that is energetic and vigorous. A metaphysical poem is an expanded epigram, characterized by the striking use of wit and irony. Metaphysical poetry demands concentration. Moreover a metaphysical conceit makes the poetry more vibrant and notable. It is largely used to make a comparison of cleverness and justice and its invention is often more impressive than its justness. A metaphysical conceit is used to persuade, or to define, or to prove a point that’s why the metaphysical poetry is usually argumentative and persuasive. A metaphysical poet attempts to establish a logical connection between his emotional feelings and intellectual concepts with the help of far-fetched imagery. The clever placement of unlike imagery, thought and emotions, contrasting pair of statements and unifying altogether makes it extraordinary. According to Ben Johnson; â€Å"the metaphysical poets showcase their knowledge and intelligence in their poetry. †The metaphysical poets play with thoughts as the Elizabethans had played with words which clearly show the wit and intellect of poets. The controlled flow of emotions is the exhibition of the potential the poets carry to express feelings in controlled language. Metaphors, similes and personifications are significant elements of metaphysical poetry. In addition to this a combination of sensibility portrays the marvelous fusion of head and heart, of intellect and emotion, of thought and passion. The metaphysical poets harmonized thoughts, reasoning, feelings and images. Being successful at merging diverse fields, metaphysical poetry also contains a sense of humour though it is not laughable but it brings a smile to the reader’s face. Metaphysical poetry is usually a dramatic monolog, the poet is addressed to the audience like in drama and every idea is for the audience. Furthermore the abrupt openings of metaphysical poetry are therefore an attraction which creates an interest for the readers. The metaphysical poets were more interested in the use of intricate rhythm, realism and obscurity. Joan Bennet observes that in the case of Donne and his circle, the term that â€Å"metaphysical actually refers to the style rather than subject matter†. John Donne (1572-1631) was inclined to the personal and intellectual complexity and concentration that is displayed in his poetry. He is acknowledged as the master of metaphysical poetry. John Donne was Born in London into a prosperous Roman Catholic family, at a time when England was staunchly anti-Catholic, Donne was forced to leave Oxford without a degree because of his religion. He studied law and, at the same time, read widely in theology in an attempt to decide whether the Roman or the Anglican Church was the true Catholic Church . In the meantime, he became known as a witty man of the world and the author of original, often dense, erotic poems. Donne participated in two naval expeditions, he was briefly sent to prison for secretly marrying his patron’s niece. In 1615, at the age of forty-two, Donne accepted ordination in the Anglican Church. He quickly earned a reputation as one of the greatest preachers of his time. He was Dean of St. Paul’s since 1621 until his death. John Donne is regarded as both the pioneer and the chief spokesman of metaphysical poetry. The importance of his innovation was recognized by Thomas Carew, who praised Donne as the monarch of wit who ‘purged’ /’The Muses’ Garden’, threw away ‘the loose seeds / Of Servile imitation †¦ And fresh invention planted’. But his poetry is also difficult and complicated. Donne adopts different oles and postures – the libertine rake, the devoted and constant lover and the cynic who feels cheated by his experience in love, the despairing sinner fearing damnation, and bold suitor, claiming his right to salvation. His poetry expresses radically contradictory views – of women, the body, and love. Donne’s poetry about love and about his relation to God invites connections with his personal life, yet it resists attempts to read it biographically. His seventeenth-century biographer, Izaak Walton, assigned the secular love poetry to the youthful Donne and the religious poetry to the mature priest. His notable works are The Good-Morrow, The Sunne Rising, Death Be Not Proud, Batter My Heart, The Canonization, A Valediction Forbidding Mourning, A Nocturnall upon S. Lucies Day , Twicknam Garden and The Anniversarie . The Songs and Sonnets explore man’s relation with woman, seeing erotic love as one of the most important experiences of life. Donne’s love poetry describes passionate sexual love with vigor and intensity. There are far too many suitable poems to consider all in detail, but The Good-Morrow and The Sunne Rising belong together. Whereas the Elegies in their political language and analogies often connect love and the political world, here there is a sharper opposition between the two spheres. The private little room of love (the microcosm) contrasts with the outside world of princes, explorers, lawyers, and merchants, who are all preoccupied with material concerns. â€Å"The Good-morrow†is a complex poem which moves around two central metaphors, of a pair of lovers walking into a new life together and of new world created by their mutual love. John Donne gave a poetic status to a simple idea in an argumentative way in a three stanza structure. But the fluency of the stanza is leading to the brief penultimate line and final Alexandrine with its stately, measured quality. On (line-4) there is a reference to bible to the seven sleepers, /or snorted we in seven sleepers den/ metaphorically may be Donne and his beloved were sleeping. Furthermore in (lines 8-14) he claims that his experience of mutual love gives him a new perspective from which the rest of the world looks insignificant. The world of love contains everything of value; it is the only one worth exploring and possessing. Donne uses conceits and metaphors to exhibit his knowledge of geography, which is evident by the reference to the sea voyagers, that the lovers are not interested in the new worlds and discoveries, they are happy with each other and they don’t want anything else. /Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone, / Let maps to others, worlds on worlds have shown, / Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one/. While the following lines /Where can we find two better hemispheres/Without sharp north, without declining west? Compares the world of the lovers in the geographical world that our world is full of love and our love for each other is true and never ending. Love creates its own perfect world, combined of two better hemispheres. Donne’s keen interest in discovering, links him with important concerns of his age. The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were a time of exploration, both scientific and geographical. England also saw the emergence of modern, experimental science. The New World was being explored, and astronomical observations by Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo led to the discovery of a new order of the heavens. Donne telescoped images and draws references from diverse spheres of cosmology, geography, science, philosophy, alchemy, theology, sea-voyages, mythology, religion, law and even from colonial enterprise so far as Britain was then emerging as the greatest empire through colonial expansion in different countries. Certain images or ideas recur so often as to seem typical: kingship and rule; subjectivism (â€Å"one little room an everywhere†â€Å"nothing else is†); alchemy – especially the mystical beliefs associated with elixir and quintessence and cosmology, both ancient and modern (references both to spheres and to the world of â€Å"sea-discoverers†). Another love sonnet by Donne â€Å"The Sun Rising†is a dramatic monologue addressed to the sun and the beloved. Here Donne uses personification metaphors and similes to make it interesting and attractive. Sun and ants are personified and different images are used (lines 5-10) like schoolboys, factory workers, huntsman, life of London and the royal class. There is a conceit where beloved’s beautiful eyes are compared to India (undiscovered beauty) and the sun can see that if India is as beautiful as his beloved’s eyes or his beloved’s eyes are more beautiful, this far-fetched conceit illustrates Donne’s wit and intellect. There is a metaphor where the beloved is compared to the states and princess/she is all states, and all princes, I, nothing else/ it gives the idea that for the poet, the beloved is the entire world, royalty, majestic and grand and maybe the sun also believes that. Hence the microcosmic world of love becomes larger and more important than the macrocosm. /Princes doe†¦. All wealth alchimie/ here poet says that his beloved’s beauty is copied by princess and further a metaphor express that she is more honorable and worthy than wealth and gold and their love is all the wealth for them. The concluding couplet/ Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere/ This bed thy centre is, these walls, thy sphere/ brings forth a cosmic imagery to show how the microcosmic world of the lovers symbolizes the macrocosmic world. Donne’s Divine Poems explore the man’s relation with God, often describing it in terms of human love, and seeking to discover the true relation between man’s love for God that promises salvation. Even with his Divine Poems exploring religious experience, Donne seeks to understand the relation between erotic and spiritual love. In Donne’s Divine Poems the sense of sinfulness is so great that the speaker insists it will take extraordinary efforts on God’s part to save him. The demands for an intense, intimate relation with God are often couched in erotic language. Perhaps the most startling poem is the sonnet ‘Batter my heart, three person’d God’, in which the speaker metaphorically says that he is like a woman who loves one man (God) but is betrothed to another (Satan), and wants to be rescued, even by force. It’s a paradoxical poem with conceits and metaphors and one of the best known in his holy sonnets. On (line 5-8) a conceit is used where the poet is comparing himself to a town which is conquered by enemies and he wants God to come to him and dominate him. Donne took ideas from the bible and Christian priests in his holy sonnets. Death Be Not Proud is Donne’s another argumentative poem, that death is not all-powerful, since it must eventually give way to eternal life, we fear as death is (for Christian believer) only form of sleep from which we have to awake on the day of judgment, when death will be abolished. There is a reference to (Jesus Christ) in last 3 lines of (Death Be Not Proud) and the idea is taken from bible as he wants forgiveness with blood as each drop of Christ’s blood is salvation /why swell’st thou†¦ death, thou shalt die/. The argument of the poem is that. There is another reference to the flood in Noah’s time/from rest and sleepe, †¦ rest of their soules deliverie/(lines5-9). Donne in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning compares the lovers with a pair of compasses. Such a far-fetched comparison to show the affinity and relationship of the lovers in terms of compasses is indeed astounding for which Samuel Johnson describes metaphysical conceit as a combination of dissimilar images or discovery of occult resemblances in things apparently. Again in Twicknam Garden Donne makes another brilliant use of conceit whose ingenuity, Helen Gardner considers, is more striking than its justice: ? The spider Love, which transubstantiates all/ And can convert manna to gall. In Donne’s poetry we will also examine a sudden dramatic beginning and finer exertion of colloquial language, as exemplified in the abrupt, conversational opening of The Canonization where the poet-lover admonishes the intruder in a colloquial tone for hampering their privacy: ? For God‘s sake hold your tongue, and let me love, / Or chide my palsy, or my gout/ My five gray hairs, or ruined fortune flout?. If we keenly observe, we will find that many of the tensions and contradictions in Donne’s poetry can be seen as deriving from wanting to satisfy conflicting human needs and desires. Some poems like ‘The Indifferent’ or ‘Community’ insist on male independence and autonomy in erotic relations. Others like ‘The Sun Rising’ or ‘The Canonization’ show a strong desire for intimacy. Donne’s poetry thus expresses the instability and infinity of human desire. For all its various attitudes, what is so wonderful about Donne is that, for all his realistic assessment of those limits, and for all the admissions of guilt about his immoderate desires, he never gives up wanting  and asking for -more. There are some other well-known contemporaries of John Donne like Andrew Marvell (1621–78), who is one of the English metaphysical poets. Among his best-known poems is To His Coy Mistress, a clever and entertaining attempt to persuade a young woman to go to bed with him there is an explicit argument of this poem. Other works of Andrew Marvell include The Coronet, Bermudas, The Definition of Love and The Garden. Henry Vaughan (1621-1695) is another metaphysical poet, who wrote The Retreate, The World, Man and â€Å"They Are All Gone into the World of Light†. In The Retreate, Vaughan notes that â€Å"shadows of eternity are seen by him in natural phenomena such as clouds or flowers. His works express one’s personal relationship to God. George Herbert another worth mentioning English poet and priest, is one of the metaphysical poets who dealt with religious themes such as doubt, suffering and joy, using simple language and metaphors. Herbert’s poetry is elegant as the result of art as a cultivated expression, but not forced, spiritual humility. He wrote Jordan in which there is religious devotion versus secular love, other works are The Pearl, The Collar, Discipline and Love. Following the steps of John Donne, Richard Crashaw (1613-1649) wrote many metaphysical poems like EpigrammaticumSacrorum Liber, Steps to the Temple, Delights of the Muses, Carmen Deo Nostro and that’s why he is also short listed among the brilliant and illustrious metaphysical poets. His collection The Temple was published after his death. All these legends have played an important role in the survival of metaphysical poetry. Lastly, I will mention that metaphysical poetry gives us a new dimension to create a far-fetched link with the help of metaphysical conceits, which stimulates us to think beyond the surface level and show our wit and shrewdness. I would praise all the metaphysical poets, for their commendable job and setting a new trend in English poetry. The tremendous versatility of Donne and his contemporaries paved the way for future generations to produce something as grand as metaphysical poetry. Metaphysical poetry has its great importance in English literature due to its vivacious imagery and attractive techniques. Indeed, metaphysical poetry is a milestone achievement for metaphysical poets; it’s worth reading and worth admiring.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Key to Successful Natural Disaster Essay Topics
The Key to Successful Natural Disaster Essay Topics Which means that people in some specific areas simply have to prepare for those disaster that are most likely to transpire in their region. So, it's important to comprehend what things to do in the event of an earthquake. Everybody should know a few tips to escape from the earthquake. An earthquake can strike any place in the planet, but some areas are a lot more active than others. An Emergency Operations Plan sets out the roles and obligations of the various regional government agencies that should be involved in the managing of disaster like a fire. Resources such as first aid kits are also quite important to cut back the amount of deaths. In such situations, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission along with the Department Of Energy might be called upon in order to aid in the management of such a disaster. Disaster management is the procedure of producing strategies targeted at limiting vulnerability to hazards and manages disasters like natural disasters. Disaster management Disaster management is the management of resources and duties to be able to reduce the effect of disasters. Disasters can be categorized into two primary categories based on their cause. Disaster and emergency management is the duty of the government that's required to perform the four stages of disaster administration. Others, like hurricanes and cyclones are growing in severity and destruction. Earthquakes can cause another sort of natural disaster, a substantial flood called a tsunami. But storms may also grow very large or very potent or both, and if they do, they get natural disasters. We can stop many organic disasters. In conclusion thus, it is apparent that all organic hazards has serious effect on both LEDCS and MEDCS. Therefore, they're simpler to finish. Where several humans are displaced an d post disaster there are numerous causalities. The land gets too dry and it's not possible to grow any plants. The examiners do not expect you to be a specialist on the essay topic, they simply would like you to demonstrate that you may write clearly and persuasively in English. Knowing the most frequent IELTS essay topics lets you revolve around the most essential vocabulary. Learning these words before the exam for the most frequent essay topics ought to help you get a greater vocabulary score. Try out another topic and do the exact same 5-minute writing test till you locate a topic you know it is simple to write on. The main aim of topic choice for a proposal essay is to demonstrate the idea can be put into place in practice. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you must clearly show your analytical skills. There are two primary means by which you can use the most typical IELTS essay topics to your benefit. A pollution is an excellent essay contest. In addition, repairing of crucial services like means of transportation, healthcare facilities, homes and communication facilities is essential. Additionally, the state has a vital role in disaster management since it's the link between the local government and the federal government. On the flip side, as our population grows, an increasing number of folks are in danger along the coasts. The team must also be well informed on how best to deal with various circumstances in instances of emergency. A Startling Fact about Natural Disaster Essay Topics Uncovered Locusts, as an example, can form tremendous s warms that could devour many acres of crops in a very brief time, sometimes causing famine. Key catastrophes are occurring once a fortnight typically. College students need to deal with various writing assignments each semester. If you decide on one of these topics, you'll certainly succeed to pull the interest of your audience only because they involve the latest discussion topics. For instance, you can select a topic for elementary, middle, or higher school. For more data on the most typical topics, please visit my most frequent topics page.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Specialty Drugs, Issues And Challenges - 904 Words
The High Cost of Specialty Drugs; a breakdown of an American’s Health Insurance Plans article titled, Specialty Drugs; Issues and Challenges An analysis of an Issue Brief from American’s Health Insurance Plan titled Specialty Drugs; Issues and Challenges, I learned about the monopoly system that pharmaceutical companies are currently establishing in the United States. Pharmaceutical companies are having breakthroughs in the way they treat serious illnesses. Many of these breakthrough treatments come from specialty drugs. Specialty drugs are drugs composed of living organisms with complex molecular processes. They require special delivery and an increase in shipping expenses. These drugs also require that a patient receives further monitoring than with traditional pharmaceuticals. Specialty drug cost has rapidly increased within the past few years. With the introduction of specialty drugs that are targeted towards illnesses such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and hepatitis C, the number of people that can benefit from these drugs has skyrocketed- increasing from as scarce as 1000 nationally to millions of people. Add that with the price tag of a single treatment costing up to the excess of $750,000. According to Brian Rosman, a research director at Health for ALL, â€Å"Drug prices are by far the fastest-growing part of health care costs†(Weisman, 2015). The financial burden that has been placed upon business as well as Medicaid and Medicare are creatingShow MoreRelatedThe Case Of Sovaldi Drug1386 Words  | 6 PagesThe manufacturers of Sovaldi drug are also of the opinion that government and public officials do not take into account all the benefits mostly economically which emanate from the prescription of the drug. 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