Saturday, August 31, 2019
Culture similarities and differences in early East Asian history Essay
Culture refers to people’s way of life. Culture is transmitted from one generation to another. Culture is leaned. Culture is a means through which society share values, beliefs, customs, behavior and artifacts. Tradition refers to the process of doing an action more than once. For example, repeating an action now and again makes it be a tradition. Going home to celebrate festivals together as a family could become a tradition if every festive you go home. Culture in the Asian countries rotates around art, beauty, medicine and cuisines. Chinese culture In the Chinese society, there are five necessities that define their culture. These necessities are: Food, clothing, housing, transportation and education. Chinese cooking is of two types. That is, Northern and Southern cooking styles. Northern dishes have a lot of oil and garlic and vinegar are usually pronounced. Pasta is valued in the Northern style of cooking. In the Southern cooking styles, chili peppers are valued. Rice and rice products are usually used as accompaniments. In Chinese cooking, color, smell and taste are given same value in meal preparation. Most of the time, a meal will include three to five colors. Most valued during cooking is the preservation of the fresh natural taste of the spices. The three properties of color, aroma and taste are not only the issues valued in Chinese cooking, but nutrition is of great importance. According to Shang dynasty(Chinese culture 16th to 11th B. C ) Yi Yin, he related the five tastes of sweet, sour, bitter, piquant and salty to the nutritional needs of the five major system organs of the body( the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys) and emphasized their function in maintaining good physical health. Most of the vegetables used in Chinese cooking such as garlic, dried lily buds, tree fungus have components that help in preventing and alleviating diseases. Chinese culture believes that food and medicine share the same origin. Chinese culture has got certain restrictions associated with eating. That is, meals taken while seated, sitting arrangement is based on age and gender. The dishes are arranged per table basis with a table capturing around ten to twelve people. Chinese dressing symbolizes a meaning of its own. The main types of Chinese traditional dressing are: pien-fu, long robe and shen-i. The pien-fu is a ceremonial costume in which one had to wear a tunic like top that extends to the knees and a skirt that touches to the ankles. A pien is a cylindrical cap. Similarities between these clothing are wide cut and voluminous sleeves with straight lines. They are also made more attracting by adding ornaments onto them such as doing embroidery along the edges, decorated bands, draped cloths and silk. In the traditional Chinese clothing, dull colors were favored to light colors. Bright colored clothes were used by common people around the houses. Chinese culture associated certain colors with specific times such as green symbolizes spring, white representing autumn, black for winter and red for summer. Traditional Chinese housing is characterized by a rectangular- shaped unit space that is joined into a house. The Chinese structures combine rectangular patterns of different sizes and positioned in order of preference, with every stage clearly distinguished. In the traditional buildings, the principle of balance and symmetry is taken into consideration. The main building is the axis with the other buildings being joined to the sides to form wings on both sides serving as the main room and yards. All other Chinese structure such the church, residential houses, palaces and official structures follow the same design. The interior space is allocated in away that it defines the Chinese social setting and ethics. For instance the main room is for the master, elder members of the master occupy the backyard of the main room while the junior members live in the right and left wings with the most senior occupying the left wing and the others right wing. Certain pronounced features of Chinese structures are its wooden structural frame with pillars and a beam, and mud made walls surrounding the three faces. The main doors and windows are constructed on the front face of the building. Woods is used in Chinese structures because they believe that wood represents life which is the essence of their culture. Chinese people build houses that have deep and over hanging roofs. Because of this, they came up with their own way of giving the roofs support. This invention is called ‘tou-kung’, which goes up stage by stage from pillar to pillar. The tou-kung gives support to the structure and at the same time acts as a unique and attractive ornamentation. The significance of using wood in the Chinese construction is that the size of the rooms depends on the wooden frame used. Again, color is applied to prevent the wood and third is the skill of building a structure on a platform to prevent moisture. The use of various colors in Chinese buildings has both symbolic and aesthetic meaning. In the transport system, china did not have any kind of wheeled vehicles until importation of the chariot was done from central Asia in the period of 1200bc. Scholars also ague that early Bronze Age china did not own the skills of the chariot and never invented any other means of transportation such as wheelbarrows or carts. For example, Edward Shaughessy found out that during the Shang periods, â€Å"there is absolutely no artifactual evidence for other types of wheeled conveyance†. In the 19th and 20th centuries, rickshaws became most popular but were later overtaken by cycle rickshaws and auto rickshaws. Bicycles today are so many in china that, they cause traffic jams. Today china use both railways and waterways as modes of transportation. Education system in china is socialist oriented with a classroom having a capacity of about 50 students. Learning is always through group work to promote team spirit and cooperation among the students. Chinese value education because they believe it is a stepping stone to success. In china excellence is the main purpose for education. This is because they aim at producing responsible citizens who can give quality service to society. That is, a student excels to benefit the country but not him or her. Japanese culture Japanese culture is largely borrowed from china but Japanese culture is mainly influenced by its language. Japanese language is a combination of subset languages that are borrowed from china. That is, hiragana, katakana and kanji. Japanese usually have different types of traditional foods for various seasons such as osechi-ryori foods for New Year, kabochi on winters, weeding foods and mother dinners. Japanese also use spices in food preparation so as to make it tasty and give an appetizing smell. Japanese have got eating manners that they expect people to adhere to when eating. These tips on how to eat varies from one meal to another. Their dishes include sushi, tempura and teriyaki. Japanese performing art is characterized by costumes, mask and stylish gestures. Their four theatres are noh, kabuki and bunraku. Japanese way of building is also an important aspect of their culture. It was heavily influenced by the Chinese architecture and examples of these are seen in the temples, shrines and castles. In terms of clothing, Japanese wear kimono. Kimono implies â€Å"something to wear. †Initially Japanese used the word kimono to refer to all types of dressing but today it only implies long dress that is worn by men, women and children. Kimono is available in different colors with men prioritizing dark colors and women prioritizing brighter colors. The summer kimono is light and it’s called yukata. In the world of sports, methods that were used to train warriors in the past have been organized into sports. For example, kenjutsu, kyudo, and sumo. Again, Japanese popular culture presents a link to the past. Favorite films, television programs and music are all established from the traditions. Japanese also have got aculture of making sculptures. The oldest sculpture made is known as Amitabha in the Zenko-ji temple and it is made of wood. Japanese value wood and it has been used in Japan as one of the main materials by architectures. Other materials that have also been used are stone and pottery. They also have a flower arrangement art known as Ikebana which emphasizes on harmony, rhythm and color use. Comparison between the two cultures However there are certain variations in the two cultures. That is, in Japan buildings are structured around grand palaces while in china, they are based on the concept of walled cities. In terms of food, their primary dish is rice even though the mode of preparation is different. In their concept of beauty, Japanese considers beauty as a concept that is temporary to life. They use a symbol known as sakura (cherry blossom) to express the fleeting property and wilting nature of beauty. But in china, beauty is part of nature and this explains the common paintings of lions, cats and tigers. Musically, Japanese love more vocal music that takes its routes from dramatic styles such as Noh, Kabukl, and Bunraku while Chinese traditional music is dominated by instruments such as the flute and oboe. Traditionally the two societies do not like each other. Japanese have a collective kind of culture than Chinese. Both Chinese and Japanese up hold respect for tradition, family and beauty but Japanese tend to be consistent with the practice. Taking the above discussion into consideration, I wish to conclude that the two cultures are different even though Japanese culture was influenced mainly by Chinese culture, References Chinese culture and tradition. The five necessities of Chinese culture. Retrieved. December 15, 2008. from, http://www. chinatownconnection. com/chinese_culture. htm eHOW, How to distinguish between Japanese and Chinese culture. Retrieved December 15, 2008. from, http://www. ehow. com/how_2081085_distinguish-between-japanese-chinese-cultures. html
Friday, August 30, 2019
Domestic Violence In Sports Essay
Throughout history, sports players have been in the public eye. They’re much thought of as the heroic figures to those who desire a career in the league or even the â€Å"die hard†fans who are dedicated. When thinking of the stereotypical traits of a heroic figure as someone who’s trustworthy, honesty and viewed to be an untouchable individual. But as we all know not every story is what some may call â€Å"picture perfect†. People fail to realize that their champion winning sports players we cheer on during game days are just like everyone in the world. The question being how can we establish a connection with ones that real side may barely be shown? In recent weeks, sports media has been booming with tabloids about domestic violence cases of well-known players in their leagues. As we the public become intrigued to see these players fall from their immortal status from committing such a crime thought to be impossible for them. As fans typically only take a glance of their lives on the field; I come to wonder if it’s more of a shock to them or a reality of everyone’s ability to be held equally. Would the standards be different if your position in society didn’t matter as much as the crime that has been committed should? An article published online in USA Today last week, states that even with the multiple controversies going on in the NFL and the nation, is taking much needed action towards players involved in the domestic violence convictions such as. Actions are also being taken in teams like the Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, was charged with a domestic violence case with an assault his then-fiancà ©e Janay Rice, who was left unconscious for in an elevator. Rice is known to have a clean record, after authorities released the video of Rice and his then fiancà ©e knocked out; the agreement between the NFL and the Ravens to end Rice’s contract following up with an indefinite suspension. This decision was reported by researchers- Erik Brady and Jim Corbett both journalist for USA Today. In addition to the NFL furthers taking action an article by researcher Will Brinson a Senior NFL Writer, writes weekly articles and directs videos for CBS Brinson quotes statement from a memo from Commissioner Roger Goodell to the 32 NFL owners â€Å"The NFL is hiring four women advisors in shaping the league’s stance on domestic violence†, The league is attempting to change the outlook of how it handles domestic violence with the hopes of being looked at for an earnest effort towards change. Goodell wrote, â€Å"Because domestic violence and sexual assault are broad societal issues, we have engaged leading experts to provide specialized advice and guidance in ensuring that the NFL’s programs reflect the most current and effective approaches.†In addition to Goodell’s memo, he also stated a plan for the four women such as Lisa Friel, the former Sex Crime Prosecution Unit in New York County District Attorney’s Office to be one of the women to peruse the NFL’s efforts. Domestic violence is the behavior used by one person in a relationship to control the other. This violence takes place in many forms and can happen all the time or once in a while. Although both men and women are susceptible to abuse, the most common cases are known to be found dealing with women who have been in some form neglected or abused. In studies cases of domestic violence have been on the rise, meaning more cases of not just celebrities but people all around the nat ion. As the talk rises of domestic violence cases pertaining to sports people see this as tragedy and a new cause to crime that has been happening for decades. It’s taken little pity on the actual victim but more on the player who is at fault. In the SBNation article written by Stephen â€Å"Poseour†Blake, stating that most fans are leaning towards defending team players rather than raising awareness for those who have been emotionally and physically impacted by the crime done. When do we ask ourselves, is supporting something worth it? With a personal belief that we should live by the rules of treating everyone with fairness and honesty as fans indicate sports players to be. In conclusion, I think that athletes are treated to an alternate standard compared to everyone because more is invested into their successful than their downfall. More cases of domestic violence are becoming better known to the public; especially in sports mostly pertaining to players in the NFL league. My feelings towards this topic are that even with fame of being known for a talent is a very rare accomplishment that’s few get to achieve. People still need to realize that no matter how famous a person becomes their still accountable for their actions. Personally I think that more should be done to the person accused of the crime just as equally for someone who isn’t on the fame radar. Punishment shouldn’t have a limit just because this person is well- known. Alon g with fans treating the victims more like the criminals instead of the players. When in reality being a â€Å"die hard†fan doesn’t always mean supporting what’s wrong.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
One of the Most Memorable Moment in the Life
My sister wedding is one of the most memorable moment in my life.I was told that my sister will Married with her husband next week. This lead me to think about my Childhood memory. My elder Sister is eight years older than me. She is pretty and kind to everyone.My sister herself always take care family.She have high sense of responsibility.she knew household expenses was fell on the farther shoulder,therefore,She did part time job in order to reduce farther financial burden.She even will teach me did the homework And play with me once farther left to work at my younger age.I have mix feeling once I knew the wedding matter.I felt happy because she find her beloved, but also felt down since she will stay at Melaka.Sooner, The wedding dinner held on Janaury 2014.The event's atmosphere is full of happiness and touching.All attendants bless the newlywed will live Healthy And Love forever. The most memorable moment in my lifeMy sister wedding is one of the most memorable moment in my life. I was told that my sister will Married with her husband next week. This lead me to think about my Childhood memory. My elder Sister is eight years older than me. She is pretty and kind to everyone.My sister herself always take care family.She have high sense of responsibility.she knew household expenses was fell on the farther shoulder,therefore,She did part time job in order to reduce farther financial burden.She even will teach me did the homework And play with me once farther left to work at my younger age.I have mix feeling once I knew the wedding matter.I felt happy because she find her beloved, but also felt down since she will stay at Melaka.Sooner, The wedding dinner held on Janaury 2014.The event's atmosphere is full of happiness and touching.All attendants bless the newlywed will live Healthy And Love forever.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Romantic Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Romantic Era - Essay Example A number of European society’s aspects transformed the romantic era in different ways. For instance, in romantics â€Å"nature†meant many things. It was perceived as a source of image and subject, as healing power, as an artificial form of civilization (Geoffrey, 2004). Romanticism gave a lot of emphasis in accurate description of natural phenomena and capturing of â€Å"sensuous nuance†which was a true representation of romantic landscape. Other aspects of European society that transformed the romantic era included symbolism and myth. Symbols borrowed from the European society in romanticism were viewed as human artistic correlatives of emblematic language in nature (Hye-Kyung, 2005). They were given a lot of value and attention, since they could suggest many things simultaneously. One can say that the myths were partly used because of the desire to communicate â€Å"inexpressible†by use of the readily available language resources. During this period, people’s love for nature and imagination had prospered, flourished and skyrocketed. The main tenets of romanticism included individualism, emotionalism, and nature. These three main qualities are visible repeatedly in a number of very important and lasting artists, authors, musicians, and so forth. In romantic art and literature, nature was portrayed in a romantic manner. For instance, in artistic paintings such as the kindred spirits done by Asher Durand nature is portrayed alongside friendship between two men (Irving, 2004). In the painting, the two men stand on top of a cliff surrounded by very beautiful scenery. Use of light in the painting makes it to appear somehow hazy but well illuminated. Use of lush and green trees in a mountainous background creates an emphasis of simple, pure beauty of nature. Emotionalism is another tenet deeply shown in romantic literature. The romantics had a common belief that opening one-self or â€Å"using
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Nuclear Power Industry Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nuclear Power Industry - Coursework Example This reduction in total electricity contribution by the nuclear plants is largely due to the fact that many power plants have been shut down over the past. As constructing more nuclear stations is not considered economically viable, so any such plans are largely abandoned. The supplies of standard quality carbon-free electricity have also increased as a result of fuel reprocessing from nuclear stations in UK. Advantages of using nuclear power to generate electricity: One of the greatest all time advantages of nuclear power is that only a small portion of it can be generated into large amounts of electricity to boost a nation’s economy. Another worth mentioning benefit is that nuclear fuel doe not result into polluting the environment by releasing a lot of poisonous greenhouse gases. Technology provides ready means to reprocess nuclear fuel for generating carbon-free electricity. Recycling used fuel is a great achievement and many â€Å"commercial reprocessing plants operate i n France, UK, and Russia with a capacity of some 5000 tones per year†(World Nuclear Association, 2011). Another advantage of nuclear electricity source is that fuel is inexpensive and waste produced is markedly compact. The acid rain effects are also marginal compared to other electricity sources (Nuclear Tourist, 2009). ... The environmental impact of uranium mines is also less disastrous compared to other fossil fuels. Nuclear power stations also do not emit carbon dioxide and sulphur among other toxicants and sulphur emissions are principally responsible for acid rains. Disadvantages of using nuclear power to generate electricity: Meeting costs for emergency purposes and radioactive waste forms one of the biggest disadvantages of nuclear source of electricity. A large capital cost is required to meet such ends. Waste storage issue is another big problem and large capital is also required for that to be invested in storage systems. The waste produced by using nuclear fuel is highly radioactive. The nuclear wastes are radioactive and capable of posing a health threat owing to emission of radiations unlike the coal wastes which can pose threat to humanity only on grounds of chemical activity (Cohen, 2011). The more nuclear stations there are, the more there is the risk for nuclear attacks and sabotages a lso. Despite the reality-based claims that nuclear power generated wastes can be highly toxic and lethal for the world at large, still handling the radioactive waste is not that much of a big issue and the net amount of nuclear waste produced from nuclear operation based on one year â€Å"would occupy a volume of half a cubic yard, which means that it would fit under an ordinary card table with room to spare†(Cohen, 2011). This means that the quantity of waste produced by nuclear plants is so small unlike the massive wastes produced by coal-burning sources that it can be taken care of very sophisticatedly. The probability of acid rains also increases with millions of tons of waste generated by the
Influence and Change in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Influence and Change in Organizations - Essay Example The ‘best practices’ primarily suggest clarity of purpose. This implies that the underlying problem needs to be identified – why is change needed and how these surveys could influence change. To implement best practices, the organization must be able to communicate and have a clear understanding with the employees on why the organization is undertaking the 360 degree feedback survey (Wimer & Nowack, 2006). There should be no assumptions that it would inevitably lead to enhanced leadership skills (McCarthy & Garavan, 2007). This necessitates that the entire process must be explicitly explained which could help overcome management resistance. This would also ensure rater receptivity because unless the managers accept the feedback they would not engage in development planning. Beliefs about change influence acceptance and hence perceptions of fairness is essential. Multisource feedback is supposed to limit biases and hence anonymity of some raters may have to be main tained. Anonymous raters tend to be candid and positive and usually provide a higher rating (CCL, 2011). However, who rates who is important and if managers are not receptive to certain raters, the effect of MSF is nullified. Thus while some raters should be anonymous, managers should also be allowed to choose some raters. If they are allowed to choose all the raters biases could creep in. Raters should be selected on the basis of the objective criteria and should be jointly selected by the rater and the rate. This would enhance acceptance and perceptions of fairness. To ensure employee readinesss, organizational culture should be supportive to conduct the 365-degree feedback survey (Morgeson, Mumford & Campion, 2005). If the managers have the confidence in the system and perceive fairness, they would be highly likely to make changes. Specific training interventions could help educate the managers about the process, the intentions and the expected outcome (McCarthy & Garavan, 2007). Rater training may help eliminate errors and also help eliminate cynicism from within the organization as cynicism can reduce the impact of the MSF. Rater training should include, in addition to training in reliable and accurate ratings, discussions on how the survey instrument was created and how the information will be used. Besides, anonymity should be assured through confidentiality (Morgeson, Mumford & Campion, 2005). Confidentiality of the rating process is also important and critical to the success of the process. The recipients or the raters too need to be trained in acceptance of the ratings and on how to handle negative feedback. Morgeson, Mumford and Campion (2005) found that most organizations used the surveys for developmental purposes and that it should categorically not be used to determine salaries. When used for developmental purpose the data is the property of the people being rated while when used for administrative purposes, the organization owns the data. To ac hieve the best results, people should be given control of their own data (Wimer & Nowack, 2006). People will feel empowered if they can choose with whom and to what extent they share their feedback. However, the feedback recipient should have access to a trained feedback giver who has experience with assessment. The recipients should also be provided guidance on how to share data and use it constructively. However, an overwhelming amount of data may
Monday, August 26, 2019
Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18
Journal - Assignment Example Harry Truman had warned earlier. It became prevalent because of the â€Å"guilt by association†principle without any solid proof of disloyalty (Faragher et al. 694). Anybody is a suspect and it was relatively easy for anyone to accuse someone of being a communist such as members of labor unions. . The extensiveness of the red scare at home can perhaps be partly explained by mass hysteria. People were not sure who is whom, or who were the card-carrying members of the Communist Party in America. At any rate, the rise of McCarthyism, as it came to be called, was basically an unacceptable form of ideological and political extremism. In the words of the observers, it was essentially demagoguery combined with witch-hunting. It was extensive since anyone could accuse anybody and â€Å" . . . it was an irresponsible and dangerous tactic . . . the reckless persecution of innocent or relatively harmless dissidents . . . â€Å" (Jenkins 2). When people are not sure who is the enemy, then anybody can become a suspect. Fears can become exaggerated when people lacked information and so imagination and irrationality took over. In those dangerous times, communism was on the march and it seemed unstoppable. People were attracted to its ideology of equality for all of whatever race or class (Fitzgerald 24). Joseph â€Å"Joe†R. McCarthy (1908-1957) was a Republican senator from the state of Wisconsin. He was a rarity among American politicians because he was a devout Catholic and a part of his religious beliefs was strong opposition to communism because it was atheistic that is opposed to any kind of organized religion. Communists like to call religion as an opiate (or opium) that deprives normal people the faculty to think clearly and rationally so they do not believe in a god or any supreme being who determines human affairs. Rather, the main logic of communists is that the people themselves can chart their own destiny. McCarthy was
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Why i want to be a nurse and my plan for the future in nursing Essay
Why i want to be a nurse and my plan for the future in nursing - Essay Example Nursing is an extensive professional field. It therefore calls for intensive understanding and acquisition of knowledge on protecting, promoting and optimizing human health and offering care to needy individuals and communities, which the American Nurses Association, ANA (2014) documents as the core function of the profession. As a practicing registered nurse, Empire State College provides the perfect placement because it not only provides the opportunity to acquire such knowledge but also provides the flexibility of enrolling for part-time, online or face-to-face courses. I aim at advancing my nursing skills and have thus set my professional goals at further developing my understanding of nursing practice and critical thinking skills. This is in line with the BSN program mission that promotes the advancement of education among RNs to enable them provide comprehensive and evidence-based nursing care. This course would also pave way for my advancement into leadership position in this career. I appreciate that leadership in nursing is a critical role that calls for endowment with the requisite knowledge to promptly make decisive decisions. BSN would therefore ensure that I am well equipped for this
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Livingstone, Sauer and French Regional Geography Essay
Livingstone, Sauer and French Regional Geography - Essay Example Livingstone, initially a missionary, explored Africa during the new imperial age of exploration opening new paths for European ideals. Coming into close contact with Africa’s slave trade, he intended to replace the slave trade with Christianity and commerce as carriers of the â€Å"civilization†he felt Africa needed, but he was not successful as a missionary and made numerous geographical errors (Sykes 1996). His miscalculations nearly sacrificed his Zambezi expedition and he thought he had found the source of the Nile only to realize later that it was the upper Congo (Sykes 1996). Sauer is considered one of the founding fathers of American geography marking the initial separation of physical geography from human or cultural geography. His predominant concern was the relationship between people and their environment and he stressed the importance of anthropology. Coming from a scientific background, his purpose was a scientific observation of other traditions and religions. In his presidential address delivered to the Association of American Geographers in 1940, Sauer explains his academic three-point underpinning to the study of geography including the studies of the history of geography, physical geography, and anthropology (Sauer 1997). The main difference between Livingstone and Sauer can be found in anthropology, which stresses the importance of avoiding ethnocentricity. Livingstone, an example of the contrary, considered the Africans â€Å"wild†and described them as â€Å"humans of a lower form†(Crawfurd 2005). Sauer was a follower of human geography feeling â€Å"human geography... is a science that has nothing to do with individuals but only with human institutions, or cultures†(Sauer 1997) and remained interested in how the environment is managed. â€Å"The design of science that Montesquieu, Herder, and Buckle forecast, failed because we know that natural law does not apply to social groups †¦ We have come to know that environment is a term of cultural appraisal which is itself a ‘value’ in cultural history†(Sauer 1997).
Friday, August 23, 2019
Read an article and respond to the prompt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Read an article and respond to the prompt - Essay Example Additionally, individuals with low economic status worked for more hours as compared to individuals with a higher economic status. In 1965, individuals with a college education and a high level of income spent more hours relaxing as compared to individuals with only a high school education. This trend changed towards the end of the twentieth century. According to the Economist "By 2005, the college-educated had eight hours less of it a week than the high-school grads". This postulation is supported by a methodical investigation conducted by the American Time Use Survey that proved that individuals with atleast college education in the US spend an additional two hours daily in their work stations as compared to those with high school education. This change has been contributed by a number of reasons. Educated individuals have been earning more today as compared to what they earned three decades ago. Therefore, these individuals tend to lose more money when vacationing as compared to what they could lose in the twentieth century. In todays job market, income is dependent on input in terms of working hours. Through my observation of others, it is worth positing that the advancement of technology has led to significant changes in peoples experiences of leisure. Enjoying oneself today does not necessarily mean going for a vacation anymore. People prefer watching a movie at home with friends and family during weekends rather than vacationing far away from home. In my opinion, this explanation of the shift is valid. Well learned individuals tend to have a higher level of income. Subsequently, these individuals are also in management positions and hence they are given supervisory roles in organizations. This means that they must spend extra hours in the office going through all reports from every department as they are accountable for every activity within organizations. This translates to spending less time relaxing. Conditions in the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Synthesis Paper Essay Example for Free
Synthesis Paper Essay According to the course syllabus we were introduced to the techniques of psychological research. This course was able to provide an understanding of how research is done, and what methods we can use to do so. By having a clear understanding of research and techniques used, it allows us to communicate effectively in regards to ideas behind the research process. In this paper, I will use myself as the case study to examine exactly what I learned about research. In the field of mental health, professionals must be constantly looking for ways to help their patients. (Cozby Bates 2012). When dealing with research, it allows us to explore valuable information that has been researched before. By understanding the value of research or ways to interpret, it helps you decide the legitimacy of your research and how to apply it while other methods may rely on personal experiences or feelings. By knowing the value of the scientific method, this allows us to hold our information to possibly a higher standard. Ideas are looked at logically and others, to ensure validity, interpret conclusions. (Cozby Bates 2012). Ethical Research After gaining a clear understanding in regards to research, I’ve learned that it’s not necessarily what we find out from research but, where we gathered the information. We always need to be concerned with how we went about finding the information. With all information gathered, we must also gather participants. It is important to gather all participants to find the most accurate results, as well as ensuring equal treatment of all participants. One major step to ensure proper treatment is to gather informed consent. By doing so, this allows all participants to understand all parts of research that may affect their decision in participating. This obviously doesn’t indicate that we have given full disclosure, so that it doesn’t affect our end results. A safeguard is put in place to protect participants which is called the Institutional Review Board. This board is put in place to protect the participants’ privacy and confidentiality. This can be achieved through anonymous questionnaire, or coding of answers to protect privacy. (Cozby Bates, 2012). Not only is this board put in place for the protection of people, but also for animals. Another major ethical portion of research is to understand fraud and plagiarism. Some may falsify their findings to indicate a result completely different from their research which is fraud. One thing to consider that may be beneficial is peer review, which can help prevent fraud. The findings should be replicated by others to ensure the results are valid. As long as credit is given when using someone else’s research, it is not considered fraud or plagiarism. Fundamental Research Issues and Measure Concepts In research, there are several variables that can change depending on the circumstances. Coming up with an operational definition of those variables ensures that all reading the research understand â€Å"the procedures used to measure or manipulate†them. (Cozby Bates, 2012). When we’re looking at more than one variable, we must be concerned with how the variables relate to each other. These relationships can be defined as negative linear, positive linear, curvilinear, or no relationship. The two ways we can study these relationships are through non experimental and experimental methods. Non experimental does not involve any direct manipulation of the variables as opposed to experimental which involves direct manipulation to see results. Reliability is so important because it ensures the most accurate results as possible. You can then use a test-retest, you can give the test twice and judge based on the similarity of results. (Cozby Bates, 2012) Once a method can be determined and results are attained, we must look for the internal and external validity. Internal validity will occur when we are certain that the changes seen directly the result of the relationship between variables. The certainty is greater when care has been taken to exclude any other possible causes for the changes in variables. (Cozby Bates, 2012). If the research can be repeated in a different setting and the same results still apply, the external validity is high. (Cozby Bates, 2012) When working with research, we must be sure that our methods are accurate in order to trust our results. Observational Methods and Survey Research When referring to research, no matter what research method you chose, an observation will take place. When focusing on quantitative research, quantitative research allows many participants to be involved. When using this type of research, it allows the results to effect a greater population. Qualitative involves a broader investigation with fewer subjects in a natural setting, more of an observational method. (Cozby Bates, 2012). One method that I have learned during this course is a case study. This begins with an observational method that provides a description of an individual. (Cozby Bates, 2012). Experimental Design and Conducting Experiments After doing my own testing and observation, I have found that cofounding variables are something we want to eliminate. Cofounding variables can alter your results and undermine all of your research. A way to eliminate this would be random assignment of participants. Using the pre-test-post-test design helps to ensure the introduction of the independent variable is responsible for any change to the dependent variable. (Cozby Bates, 2012). Self-reports are definitely some ways to measure the variable and are done by the participants. Research can cost a sufficient amount of money and may require a lot of your time; therefore a case study may be beneficial before beginning an entire research study. Biblical Perspective Now all has been heard: here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandment for this is the duty of all mankind. (Ecclesiastes 12:13). By doing so, we follow Gods plan and his word. Sometimes we may not always understand all things, but that definitely doesn’t mean God has the information concealed. I believe that discovery is more of a reward for those who seek him. This course has allowed me to understand the importance of research, how to accurately interpret research and how to protect the individuals that are involved. â€Å"It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings to search things out†. (Proverbs 25:2) This verse is definitely an example in reference to research and whether or not scripture supports it. My understanding of the verse is that it is important to research a topic biblically as opposed to the secular world, if we refer to scripture with every issue we can find the true meaning and validity to daily living as Christians we are looking for. Overall this course has allowed me to gain clear knowledge of research as well as determine the validity. I have learned that research may have potential holes and cofounding variables so understanding research is extremely important to understand. I have learned different research methods and what methods are best for each individual situation. I have been able to understand research and the ethically aspect of research, but most importantly an understanding of research from a biblical standpoint. Research is important, and we all need research when it is done appropriately. As long as we put God first and refer to scripture for daily living, it will make the research process a lot easier. References Cozby, Paul. C., Bates, Scott. C. (2012). Methods in Behavioral Research (11th ed). New York, NY:McHraw-Hill The Holy Bible: New King James Version. (2010). McLeod, S. A. (2008) Case Study Method. Retrieved from
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Gambling in College Football Essay Example for Free
Gambling in College Football Essay Today’s new generation has accepted gambling more than any previous generation. People are playing poker and betting on games one the internet and even on college campus. According to them it is a social activity and there is nothing wrong in gambling. This negative attitude has made this problem seep down to the highest level of human population, its intellect (Oregon Department of Human Services, 2005). Gambling is a social problem which not only threatens the academic success of a student but also depletes the financial resources. Risking money in the hope of winning is called gambling. Gambling includes lottery tickets, online betting games, cards, dice, dominoes etc (University of Texas, 2004). In past few months various football gambling stories have created a chaos among the coaches and administration of various colleges. Colleges are constantly trying to find new ways of finding and punishing the culprits. The main concern however, is to create such rules which can prevent students from placing a bet and hence getting involved in this organized crime. In past few years gambling incidents have been recorded from quite known and influential colleges. These include Arizona State University, Boston College, University of Colorado, Columbia University, Fresno State University, and Northwestern University etc. According to a research done by a student from the University of Michigan, almost 72% of the students had gambled in one way or the other. Almost 80% of these were male students (Cross Vollano, n. d). In order to understand the issue of student athlete gambling in more than an anecdotal way, this study was developed to learn the extent and nature of student athlete gambling. According to The National Association of Student Personnel Administration (NAPSA), gambling is a problem not just in athlete students but in all students. They constantly urge college management to develop programs which aware students about the potential hazards of gambling (The National Association of Student Personnel Administration, 2007). In 1874, college professional sports had its first scandal. Louisville college football players were accused of gambling against their own team. According to Arnie Wexler, who was a former College football gambler, and is now a recognized expert on compulsive gambling; â€Å"Its easier to place a bet on a college campus than it is to buy a can of beer or a package of cigarettes, you just pick up a telephone and call a bookie on campus. You dont even have to leave your room†(Kindred, 1996). This is absolutely true. The college administration usually does not care about such things. They burry their heads in the sand and if asked pretend as if nothing is wrong is happening. For past half century the college football and basketball has been full of wagering incidents. The National Collegiate athletic Association (NCAA) did a survey in 2003. According to that survey almost one percent of the total college football players accepted money for poor performance. Moreover, half the time they played, they were able to change the outcome of the game by their performance. It was also found that almost 15% of the non athlete students also gambled. It is not just the gambling part, but the players usually provide inside information to the gamblers and help them win (National Collegiate athletic Association, 2003). Students who gamble risk their careers to fulfill their need and obsession to gamble. Such activities do not necessarily occur in the isolation of college but the culprits might get together in a friends place in order to place the bet. Bets can be placed in the internet and in some cases via phone also. In 2004, two student bookies were caught. They were convicted of sports bribery. Stevin Hedake Smith owed almost $10,000 to a student bookie. In order to pay him back he agreed with the bookie to play poorly at the game. The FBI became suspicious and later caught him and his friends. After this incident the NCAA changed quite a few rules of the game. Though before gambling was always condemned, but it was never a definite rule. However, after this event, the NCAA has anti gambling rules in black and white (Gabriel, 2004). Sometimes even a simple thing as accepting gift certificate can be termed as gambling too. In a simple event, few women participated in a simple ‘pick a winner’ game and earned gift certificates of $50. When the college administration found out about this they banned those students from playing in the football team. Due to this event, accepting gift certificates was against the rules (National Endowment for financial education, 2004). According to the NCAA; â€Å"You may not place any bet of any sort on any college or professional sports event. You may not give information to anyone who does place bets on college or professional sports†(National Endowment for financial education, 2004). Moreover, the NCAA further explains these rules as: There can be no betting on any sport, whether it involves your college or not. There can be no wager for any item i. e. cash, shirt, dinner etc. No sports pools No internet gambling No fantasy leagues (this means no fee for participation and no prize for winning) No information exchange about your or any other team (including injury, or anyother problems) (NCAA, 2005; NCAA, 2003). Looking at the table below it can be determined how many students playing college football engage them selves in wagering activities and how many think that the rules above have really made a difference. Figure: Comparison of proportion of S_As who gamble on college sports versus proportion who says that NCAA Rules discourage sports wagering Source: NCAA, 2004 The change in the rules of college football has certainly reduces the amount of bets placed. Though at some level students are still gambling, but if caught they know that their careers will come to an end. The amount of shame and humiliation caused by the media coverage also has an impact on the number of bets placed every year. According to the new rules by NCAA, any student who is caught violating the game rules will not be allowed to play in any of the plays he has formerly registered too. This means his entire career comes to a halt. Such strict rules have helped in the reduction of wagering issues (NCAA news release, 1999). In August 2007, several students complained that the coaches were using text messages to gamble or place bets. Almost 75% of the people voted in favor of banning text messaging. Due to the gambling problem, yet another rule had to be placed. According to the New York Times, the NCAA has now placed a ban on text messaging. The president of NCAA was disappointed so much that he called this â€Å"an embarrassment to all of intercollegiate athletics†(Thomas, 2008). The coaches have tried to work around this rule too. According to many coaches as there is no ban for e-mailing they can place bets on the e-mails. Many cell phone companies allow e-mailing also, so coaches are now trying new ways without breaking any rules (Miller, 2008). The administration should always clearly state the rules, as not doing so means leaving a loop hole, with the help of which the students can gamble. Sometimes, the committee can accuse somebody of gambling, but such a person might not have understood the rules properly. In 2004 a former football coach was accused of gambling. He later sued NCAA for accusing him and later firing him. According to him he did not understand the way NCAA operates. Hence it is not just about defining rules, but explaining them in such a way that everybody understands them (Yaeger et al, 2004). Gambling in college football has very grave consequences. A student can get expelled from college, get humiliated in news stories, can become an embarrassment for himself and his family, get banned from all professional sports, become a victim of organized crime, ruin his financial resources and sometimes even end up in jail. To summarize, wagering can destroy a person’s life. It is not only the responsibility of the students themselves, but the responsibility of the college administration to help create awareness among students so that no student get involved in these matters and does not become a victim of bookies. Even though the generation today has certainly got more involved in gambling, poker, wagering etc, but measures can be taken in order to help these students. Many organizations are working and are constantly trying to help these students break their habits. It might be difficult but not impossible. The management and the administration of the colleges should also instead of ignoring these things, in order to help prevent scandals and create a bad name of their schools, should help students get over this habit. Rules should be devised which are clear and strict. College students are the most important part of any population, and if they get involved in these things, this means that the human intellect has been affected. References Cross, Michael E. Vollano, Ann G. (n. d). Gambling Education. University of Michigan. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://www. umich. edu/~mgoblue/compliance/gambling/summary. html Gabriel, Walter (2004). Gambling common at colleges during March Madness: Office pool cost coach his job. Louisiana State University. The Daily Reveille. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://media. www. lsureveille. com/media/storage/paper868/news/2004/03/11/Sports/Gambling. Common. At. Colleges. During. March. Madness-2048935. shtml Kindred, David. (1996). Ignoring gambling wont make it go away gambling at college campuses – Column. The Sporting News. November 18. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1208/is_n47_v220/ai_18869994 Miller, Phil (2008). Like Water Around A dam. Retrieved January 2, 2008 from: http://marketpower. typepad. com/market_power/college_football/index. html National Collegiate athletic Association (2003). Sports wagering; study on collegiate sports wagering and associated behaviors. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://www. ncaa. org/library/research/sports_wagering/2003/2003_sports_wagering_study. pdf National Endowment for financial education (2004). Don’t bet on it: put your money on a real winner, yourself. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://www. ncaa. org/gambling/dontbetonit/2004. pdf NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association). (2005). NCAA rules and regulations. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://www. iupui. edu/~athlete/handbook/rules. html NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association). (2003). Protect: Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://www. ncaa. org/library/general/general_brochure/2003/2003_gen_info. pdf NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association). (2004). Comparison of proportion of S_As who gamble on college sports versus proportion who say that NCAA Rules discourage sports wagering. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://www. ncaa. org/gambling/2003NationalStudy/slideShow/sld028. htm NCAA News release (1999). Report Of the NCAA Division I Working Group to Study Basketball Issues. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://www. ncaa. org/releases/basketballissues/1999082001bi. htm Oregon Department of Human Services (2005). Gambling and College Students: Literature Review. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://www. oregon. gov/DHS/addiction/gambling/collegestudents-gambling. pdf Thomas, Katie. (2008). N. C. A. A. Ban on Text-Messaging as Recruiting Tool Will Remain. The New York Times. 13th Jan. Retrieved January 3,2008 from: http://www. nytimes. com/2008/01/13/sports/13ncaa. html? _r=3ref=ncaafootballoref=sloginoref=sloginoref=slogin The National Association of Student Personnel Administration. NAPSA. (2007). Students affairs administrators in higher education. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://www. naspa. org/pubs/index. cfm University of Texas (2004). Gambling; You bet your life. The councelling and mental health centre. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://www. utexas. edu/student/cmhc/booklets/gambling/gamb. html Yaeger, Thomas, E. Benjamin A. Converse, Doug Ulrich, David Codron, Ryan Restivo (2004). Your turn. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from: http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1208/is_46_228/ai_n6362465
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
An Example Of Transition Economy Economics Essay
An Example Of Transition Economy Economics Essay Around 1.21 billion people currently living in India, which is about 17.4% of the global population or one, can say 2.4 per cent of world GDP in US dollar terms and 5.5 % in PPP terms. The universal wellbeing too is linked to progress in India as reflected in the eager global interest in India. But, India seems to instigate and disappoint at the same time. Where some countries raced ahead in the development process, India lagged behind. It took 40 long years for Indias real per capita GDP to double from 1950-1951 to 1990-91. But, for India 1991-92 was a significant moment in modern economic history because of a severe balance of payments catastrophe prompted far accomplishment economic reforms, unlocking its growth potential, and the result was that in only 15 years, Indias per capita income doubled again by 2006-07. If India will maintain its current growth rate then, Indias per capita income could definitely double by 2017-18 in next some years. The key policy reforms since 1991-92, reviewing the economic progress made so far Policy Reforms before 1991 Macroeconomic crisis of 1991 discernible a turning point in Indias economic history for two reasons. First, fiscal arrears driven external payment mishap with a dip in foreign exchange reserves to below US$ 1 billion in 1991. Second, concurrently efforts were made towards wide ranging structural reforms surrounding areas of trade, management of exchange rates and industry, public finance as well as financial sector. The main objective was to create a competitive environment to improve output and efficiency. New industrial policy fostered competition by Abolishing monopoly restrictions Terminating the phased manufacturing programmers 100% foreign direct investment Import of foreign technology De-reservation of sectors till then reserved for the public sector. Only five industries are under licensing presently, mainly on account of environmental, health, safety and strategic consideration and two industries are reserved for the public sector and those industries are: ATOMIC ENERGY RAILWAY TRANSPORT Reservation of industrial products for the small scale sector is still an enduring issue. FDI i.e. Foreign Direct Investment up to 100% is allowed under the automatic route in most sectors, but with a few exceptions. The infrastructure sector is being in the hands of private sector. Because of the large requirements of funds for infrastructure, 100% FDI has been allowed in all infrastructure sectors. There are unmitigated tax holidays to encourage the business of development, operation, and maintenance of infrastructure facilities. The monetary policy framework and its operating procedures in India have evolved over time with the changes in the macroeconomic structure and financial markets development. After the deregulation of the financial sector, the stability of money demand became deduce. Because of that, Reserve Banks switched from monetary targeting framework, to a multiple indicator approach. In this approach, many indicators available on a high frequency basis. The various indicators are: Rates of return in different markets Movements in currency, credit, fiscal position, inflation rate, exchange rate etc Refinancing and transactions in foreign exchange The objective for the financial sector was to provide operational litheness and functional self-sufficiency to all the financial institutions so that they could allocate resources more efficiently. Some of the important initiatives in the financial sector were: Reduction in statutory preemptions so as to release greater funds Interest rate deregulation to enable price discovery Allowing new private sector banks to create a more competitive environment The trade policy reforms comprised withdrawal of the quantitative restrictions on exports and imports phasing out of the system of import licensing Lowering the level of nominal tariffs and its dispersion as well. India embarked on a well sequenced opening up of the capital account. Its framework was based on a preference for non-debt creating capital inflows like foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment. Economic Progress after 1991 After 1990, India saw gradually breaking free of the low growth trap which was known as the Hindu growth rate of 3.5% p.a. Real GDP growth was increased from 5.7% p.a. to 7.3% p.a. in 1990 to 2000s. The main reason of this growth acceleration was that the growth rate of industry and services increased. Till the end of 1990, the green revolution had died down. The growth patterns altered the structure of the Indian economy with a decline in the share of agriculture from 28.4% to about 15 per cent in 2009-11. There was an increase in services, including construction, from 52% to 65%. The share of industry has remained unchanged at around 20 per cent of GDP. Real economy Items 199-2000 2001-2010 2004-2008 Share in GDP Agriculture 28.4% 19.4% 18.9% Industry 20.1% 20.0% 20.1% Services 51.5% 60.6% 61.1% The growth acceleration was accompanied by a sharp lift up in the rate of growth of gross fixed capital formation which had more than doubled from an annual average of 7.2 per cent in the 1990s to 15.7%. The structure of Indian economy also underwent a change. Exports and imports of goods and services have more than doubled from 23% of GDP to 50 per cent in 2011. The high growth was achieved in an environment of price stability as headline wholesale price index inflation dropped to an annual average of 5.5% in the 2000s from 8.1 per cent in the 1990s. Subsequently, in the post-crisis period the inflation trend has reversed with the headline WPI inflation averaging over 7% and the consumer price inflation crossing double digits during 2009-11. The uptick in food price inflation was particularly sharp during 2009-11. Inflation Item 1991-2000 2001- 2010 2004-2008 2009-2011 (Annual Average Percentage change) Wholesale Price Index 8.1 5.4 5.5 7.1 Food Articles 10.2 5.8 5.2 13.3 Fuel Group 10.6 8.9 7.3 7.2 Non-Food Manufactured Products 6.8 4.0 5.0 4.0 CPI- Industrial Workers 9.5 5.9 5.0 10.6 CPI- Industrial Workers Food 9.8 6.2 5.5 12.5 No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come. India has launched wide ranging structural reforms and has made noteworthy economic progress over the past two decades. Some of them are: Indias industrial environment has become more competitive and open Infrastructural gaps have been sought to be bridged through public-private initiatives with both domestic and foreign sources of funding Current account has become fully convertible while capital account which is virtually free for non-resident. As interest rates deregulated, banks gained operational autonomy for commercial lending. If India could maintain the current pace of growth it will elevate millions out of poverty and augment the global economy. While India has come a long way, maintaining the current pace would itself be challenging and require continued reform efforts. India will continue to face stagflation-type situation for some more time. The main reason for this are: the governments loose fiscal policy and persistent strong rise in real rural wage growth without an increase in productivity growth Stagflation means when economic growth of a country stagnates while inflation is rising. RBI lowered the economic growth projection for the current fiscal to 6.5 percent from its earlier estimate of 7.3 percent, stating rising government expenditure poses risks to economic stability. Its inflation forecast for the fiscal ending March, 2013 has also been raised to 7 percent from earlier projection of 6.5 percent. According to reports, monetary policy has a limited role in this stagflation-type environment. Moreover, the inflation outlook remains challenging. Indeed, given the poor progress of the monsoon, in reality food and overall inflation will likely accelerate in the coming months. Measures to control Indian stagflation: India may have progressed on paper and on screen but do we see the progress on the streets of India? There are millions of people still surviving in India on an income of less than one dollar a day. India can never be considered a developed country unless and until the poverty, hunger and pain of the poor on the streets and those living in the slums is curbed. Lately the government of India has come up with several developmental plans and no doubt it has helped boost the economy of the Country in some ways. But the long term impact of these plans do not seem to serve the purpose, or what should be the purpose of any government, that is, prosperity of the common man. Investment is pouring in from within the Country and abroad, but the poor man is getting poorer. In order to be considered a developed Country, India needs to focus on the common man. It is not only the Governments role to make India a developed nation. People of the country should also take responsibility. Improve infrastructure Liberalize financial markets Increase agricultural productivity Increase quality and quantity of universities More importance to rural household Proper health facilities in rural and urban areas Raise educational achievement Citizens must do charity with enough disposable income Job creation Raise educational achievement Introduce a credible fiscal policy Improve governance
Gardens Essay -- Environment, Nature and Culture, Landscape
Throughout the history of mankind, the gardens have been created to feed the spirit. The landscape is a relationship between nature and culture; it expresses who we are and where we from. Furthermore, landscape architecture advances along with society and it adjust to the change of their tastes and way of life. It is at first hand the search for a balance of adapting the environment and the advance society. We can observe the different styles and designs process each culture has, simply by looking at what kind of elements, plants, and regulations it uses. For example in the United States a designer takes into consideration the ADA regulations while in Mexico they don’t, which will result in a different design approach. This means that we might witness a similar design containing a bridge crossing through a pond but one design might incorporate railings and the other one will not. This tells us how one society values the importance of incorporating safety and handicap accessi bility just by using different elements. The following essay intends to discuss how culture can contribute to the design of an exterior space and how it’s reflected in the work of a landscape architect. To accomplish this task I am going to look at two landscape architects from different regions and witness how diverse but also how unified they are to each other by looking at the way they incorporate elements from their culture and other societies. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE IN BRAZIL The first landscape architect that I choose to accomplish my task is Burle Marx. Troguhout his life he designed hundreds of private and public space which helped him get recognized and obtain comitions throughout Latin- America, United States, and across the continent. Burle ... ...Because of the importance of the location of the site the designer took into consideration the culture aspect of the area. The Olympic forest Park combines the traditional Chinese landscape and the feng-shui philosophy with the contemporary design concepts and techniques. Two crucial traditional elements used were the mountain and water feature, these were incorporated in the planning and design of the Olympic Forest Park. An artificial mountain was created and dragon-shape lake flowing along the axis was designed. The mountain designed is called Yandshan Mountain, to accomplish the design of this mountain the designer analyze other important mountains around Beijing. On the south entrance, large stones are located throughout the plaza. the overall design includes rich landforms, mountain chain, islands, and downhill streams that offer diverse eco-habitats (Jie).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Sociological Theory Essay -- Sociology Papers
Sociological Theory To be able to evaluate Functionalism, Marxism and Interactionism we must first look at the strengths and weaknesses in each. There are many variations and interpretations of each of these theories, therefore for the sake of simplicity only the key ideals will be discussed. Functionalism looks at society as an organized structure of inter-related institutions; and the various ways these institutions interact together within a social structure. Examples of these 'institutions' are the family, work, education and religion. The Functionalist perspective is best understood using an organismic analogy: 'Societies are comparable to living organisms (for example, a human being). Each part of the human body is linked, in some way, to all other parts. Individual organs combine to create something that is greater than the sum total of their individual parts.' In social terms, these 'organs' equate to the aforementioned institutions. Each of these institutions has its' separate role, and in order for society to to function effectively, these institutions must work in harmony with each other. It is also said that all parts of society have a purpose and also certain needs. The 'purpose' of the work institution, for example, is to create wealth and in order to achieve this it 'needs' people with a certain level of education. This example demonstrates the harmony required between two institutions in order to achieve a goal. Without education, the work institution would collapse due to lack of skilled workers, therefore having a diverse effect on society and all the institutions within that society. This view recognise... ...n those classes. Economic rule, however does still play a prominent part in certain societies today, and will continue to do so for years to come. Interactionism looks at the individual and there influence and understanding of other social groups. This approach has allowed us to understand small social groups, which in turn allows us to gradually understand social groups in certain areas. However, none of the above theories will ever give us a true insight into how all societies work together. By taking parts of each and combining them to make a new theory is the only way that we may truly understand the social structure of the world around us. Bibliography ============ Sociology In Focus - Paul Taylor et al- Ormskirk - 1995
Sunday, August 18, 2019
In Defense of the Study of Cryonics Essay -- Healthcare, Science
Ferraris, Corvettes, large estates, gold dusted ice creams, or even hundred dollar socks all have something in common: they are all luxurious desires. However is cryonics, the process of preserving one's body for the hopes of future medical treatments to save, a mere luxury? Can no one find a real need to utilize cryonics? Does cryonics have any intrinsic value to society as a whole? Many believe that cryonics is just an â€Å"indulgence [for] rich people†(Alcor). Cryonics, in fact, can do much more than fulfill one's self interest. Cryonics is the process in which anti-freeze like liquid is circulated through the body and then frozen in order to preserve a human body at low temperatures for an indefinite amount of time. The frozen body can then be brought back and worked on if medicine advances to the point of reviving a dead body. Cryonics, including the money and research gained through it, can help beyond the individual and all the way to the advancement of the field of medicine. The problem with cryonics, however, is not cryonics itself but the lack of knowledge of the benefits of it. Due to this lack of knowledge, many people develop negative views on cryonics which include the assumption that cryonics is primarily self-indulgent, as stated above. These negative views, which have been around since the very beginning, allow for the dismissal of cryonics as a luxury that can be defined simply as â€Å"the preservation of dead bodies†and, as a result, many are turned off by it and its principles (Alcor). If this problem persists, not only does the field of cryonics suffer, the medical field does to. By utilizing techniques found in cryonics, certain aspects of the medical field can advance at the same rate as cryonics. The solut... ...l, the public will gain knowledge that is often neglected when the opposition talks against cryonics: that of the benefits of cryonics. Additionally, negative views on cryonics will be amended through an increase of knowledge in cryonics and, ultimately, cryonics will gain more supporters. If a gain in supporters of cryonics occurs, more research and money can be put into advancing the techniques of cryonics. As a result of this, other disciplines of medicine, such as organ transplanting, can utilize techniques in cryonics and further develop their own methods to benefit society. Nothing should be judged without having all the information about it presented, cryonics is no exception. Make this education available, and much more comprehensive views will be gained. Don't you think it's time to stop focusing on the negativity and start learning about the benefits?
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Crash Movie Essay Essay
One must never judge or discriminate a person based on their physical attributes. Prejudice and discrimination directed against someone of a different race is known as racism. It is evident in the movie â€Å"Crash†directed by Paul Haggis, that people misconceive others due to judgement on their physical traits. Throughout the movie, the characters living in Los Angeles face the challenges of fitting in a town populated by people of different colours. The offenders are the â€Å"white†people whereas the victims are everyone else. The presence of racism is the main cause of every conflict that occurs in the movie. The majority of the racism involved in the movie is towards the negro population. They are perceived as thugs, thieves and murderers. In the beginning of the movie, two black friends, Anthony and Peter, are walking in a strictly â€Å"white†neighbourhood feeling discriminated as they chat amongst themselves, being racist towards white people. They mention how they are seen from a white person’s point of view and at that moment, Jean Cabot and her husband walk towards their car. The two pull out their guns and aim at their heads, taking away their vehicle. The two boys are dressed in baggy sweaters, displaying a thuggish style, which provokes Jean’s judgement on them. Anthony has cornrows and Peter is wearing a toque, as they walk with â€Å"swag†. Later on, Jean snaps at her husband and mentions how she was already aware that the two black friends were going to steal their car 10 seconds before it actually happened, based on their physical appearance. Racism towards black people is also highlighted through the character of Officer John Ryan. As Ryan is driving, he is told on the radio, that a car has been stolen, Jean Cabot’s car, and another car of the same model is driving ahead of Ryan. Knowing that the vehicle in front of him isn’t the stolen car, Ryan makes the driver, a black man, pull over and he molests his wife, leaving them humiliated, which creates a drift in the married couple’s relationship. Cameron, the black driver that was pulled over by Officer Ryan, remains quiet while his wife is being touched by the officer because he is afraid. If he speaks up, not only will he put in jail but he will also be humiliated if his colleagues find out. Racism isn’t only towards the black population of the town, it is demonstrated in many other ethnicities as well. Jean Cabot is a woman who believes her race, white, is superior than any other race including black and hispanic. Jean is also very rude towards her maid Maria, and she gets angry at her over the littlest things. She is also convinced that mexicans are gangsters so, when Daniel is changing the locks at her house, she demands that they get redone the next day, fearing that Daniel will sell a copy of her house keys to one of his gangster friends. Farhad, a persian man with a strong accent, is also humiliated by a gun store owner when he’s trying to buy a gun. The victims of racism realize that the behaviour towards them is unfair so they find ways to stand up for themselves. Cameron, with his marriage life a stake, snaps at police officers when he is pulled over once again. Officer Tom Hansen saves Cameron’s life otherwise, the other police officers would’ve shot him. Cameron was once mistreated which shook his family life and created a gap between him and his wife therefore, he didn’t want the white people to take control of his life. Daniel, who was always mistaken for a gangster was finally fed up with it. As he was fixing the locks of Farhad’s store, Farhad calls him a cheater because he thought Daniel didn’t do his job. Daniel doesn’t take the money from Farhad and leaves, having done his job properly, yet Farhad believes that Daniel is a liar. Not only do the victims stand up for themselves but the offenders also realize the grave mistake they were making by judging people based on their looks. Officer Ryan sees an accident and as a police officer, it is his job to rescue the injured people. When he goes to save the person in the car, he sees that it’s Cameron’s wife, the woman he molested earlier. She doesn’t want him touching her because he is the cause of her marital problems. After rescuing her, almost sacrificing his own life, he realizes that he was wrong about mistreating her earlier. Jean Cabot, the egotistical woman, falls down a flight of stairs, spraining her ankle and Maria, her maid she mistreated, helps her and takes her to the hospital. Jean, a lonely woman with fake friends, then realizes that the only person who’s true to you is the person who stands by you in the hard times, not the good times. She hugs Maria and tells her that she is her best friend. Throughout the entire movie, the only person who hadn’t discriminated anyone based on physical appearance was officer Tom Hansen. After watching Officer Ryan molest Christine, Cameron’s wife, he no longer wants to work with Ryan. He transfers to a different officer because he couldn’t take the racism Ryan had towards the citizens. Peter, asking for a lift, gets a ride from Hansen off the road. At first, Hansen notices Peter’s dirty shoes and torn sweater. In the car, Hansen is playing country music and Peter admits to liking country music but due to his appearance, Hansen doesn’t believe him. Usually people dressed like Peter enjoy rap or hip hop style. Frustrated Peter remarks a little statue on Hansen’s dashboard, similar to the one he has in his pocket. Peter then starts laughing and Hansen starts worrying and continuously asking Peter what he is laughing about. Peter doesn’t tell Hansen so, he pulls over and asks him to leave his car. Peter, trying to convince Hansen, reaches for his pocket to show the statue and tell him what he is laughing about but Hansen fears that Peter may be pulling out a gun to shoot at him. As Peter takes the statue out of his pocket, Hansen pulls the trigger and kills Peter. It is ironic because Hansen, the person who doesn’t judge anyone throughout the entire film, is the one who kills someone based on their physical appearance. Peter was the only person who died in the movie. Peter’s death was not a mistake. Hansen intended to kill Peter but only because of the way he was presenting himself and the way he was dressed. Anyone could’ve been mistaken but Hansen, amongst all the other characters, was least likely. Racism was one of the main themes that Paul Haggis was trying to show the viewers. Throughout the movie we see how citizens are discriminated, classified and generalized based on their physical traits. We also see how different cultures try to make other cultures inferior to them. Racism also shows a person’s tolerance and how they cope with difficult stages in life and what it takes to make them lose all their patience. People also reach a certain limit of disrespecting others and what triggers their conscience to finally be aware of the way they have mistreated the people around them is also evident in the movie. Racism is an issue that has been going on in the world for over a hundred years and it still exists today. In order to break the cycle of racism, we must seek into ourselves and think before discriminating others because someday, we can also be discriminated. Our world is filled with different cultures, people and colours, but at the end of the day, we are all human.
Friday, August 16, 2019
A Book Report on Poe’s “The Tell Tale Heart”
The Tell-Tale Heart, by Edgar Allan Poe, is written in the first person. This is proven because â€Å"I†is used to tell the story. This story told is by a participating narrator. The narrator is also the main character. The point of view used in this story is the unreliable narrator; this is a point of view according to Literature by X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. This view was chosen because the narrator was very deceptive, deluded and deranged. For example, â€Å"I cut off the head and the arms and the legs†. (pg. 36). I find this to be extremely deranged. The narrator was also very deceptive by playing a trick on the older man in bed every night. The deluded madman would spy on the old man at midnight every night for seven days straight. By the eighth day he had this deranged plan to kill him. So, at midnight the madman came into the room quietly, or so he tried, and suffocated the old man. In the meantime the old man was scared when he heard some noises but probably thought that it was only a mouse or something. Because the man did not get up and check on the noises, it cost him his life. The old man was tricked on thinking it was just a noise an old house makes. Therefore, The point of view used in the story was that of an unreliable narrator in the first person. Raymond Carver had many influences in his life that contributed to his short stories and poems. But his main influence was his family. With two kids and married at the age of 19, he definitely had his hands full. He would try and write stories to support his children while engaging in other labor jobs during the day. Everyday life is an inspiration on everyone. People might not realize it but what happens everyday has an affect or influence on the way they approach life. For example, Carver†s day at the laundry mat. He realized that life isn†t what it is cracked out to be and he noticed this just by being frustrated because he couldn†t get any driers. Also, Carver†s professor at Chico State University, John Gardner, was a great influence at the time. Gardner helped Carver with some of his short stories. He would help Carver by being really patient and helping understand what he needs to do better. Education is a great influence on life. It introduces new perspectives to life and opens many new doors of opportunity. Without education or his family Raymond Carver might not have been as successful as he has. A Book Report on Poe’s â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†The Tell-Tale Heart, by Edgar Allan Poe, is written in the first person. This is proven because â€Å"I†is used to tell the story. This story told is by a participating narrator. The narrator is also the main character. The point of view used in this story is the unreliable narrator; this is a point of view according to Literature by X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. This view was chosen because the narrator was very deceptive, deluded and deranged. For example, â€Å"I cut off the head and the arms and the legs†. (pg. 36). I find this to be extremely deranged. The narrator was also very deceptive by playing a trick on the older man in bed every night. The deluded madman would spy on the old man at midnight every night for seven days straight. By the eighth day he had this deranged plan to kill him. So, at midnight the madman came into the room quietly, or so he tried, and suffocated the old man. In the meantime the old man was scared when he heard some noises but probably thought that it was only a mouse or something. Because the man did not get up and check on the noises, it cost him his life. The old man was tricked on thinking it was just a noise an old house makes. Therefore, The point of view used in the story was that of an unreliable narrator in the first person. Raymond Carver had many influences in his life that contributed to his short stories and poems. But his main influence was his family. With two kids and married at the age of 19, he definitely had his hands full. He would try and write stories to support his children while engaging in other labor jobs during the day. Everyday life is an inspiration on everyone. People might not realize it but what happens everyday has an affect or influence on the way they approach life. For example, Carver†s day at the laundry mat. He realized that life isn†t what it is cracked out to be and he noticed this just by being frustrated because he couldn†t get any driers. Also, Carver†s professor at Chico State University, John Gardner, was a great influence at the time. Gardner helped Carver with some of his short stories. He would help Carver by being really patient and helping understand what he needs to do better. Education is a great influence on life. It introduces new perspectives to life and opens many new doors of opportunity. Without education or his family Raymond Carver might not have been as successful as he has.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Differences Between Austria and India
My chosen countries are India and Austria. In this paper I will try to find the similar and dissimilar things of these countries. These two countries are very different. Austria is located in Europe, when India’s location is Asia. First of all I would like to present Austria’s and India’s nature. Austria is terrestrial land. This country has no access to the sea but with India everything is in different way. India has access not to the sea, but to the ocean. These two countries have one similar thing – the mountains. In Austria the mountains are called Alps and in India – Himalays. The climate in Austria is continental, the same as in other countries of Europe. In this country there are four seasons in the year. India’s climate is tropical, and it has only three seasons per year. Austria’s landscape is full of hills, woods and rivers. India’s landscape contains of deserts, jungles and flatlands. So here we can see big differences between my chosen countries. Secondly I would like to present the culture of these countries. Austria is famous by compositors, writers and painters which are known in whole world. In this country there are many theaters, cinemas, shopping centers, museums, galleries and other cultural objects. People in Austria are very businesslike. Many of them most time in the week wears formal clothes. Most of the Austria's population is registered as Roman Catholic by religion. India is very religious country. Everything in India is based on religion. Indian people are very hospitable. Even if they don’t have anything to eat, their guests will never be left hungry. The respect for elders is a major fact in Indian culture. The traditional dress of India is called sari. This dress can be worn by all local festivals. India's diversity is visible in its languages, religions, dance, music, architecture and customs. By the culture India and Austria are very dissimilar, because their history and all traditions came from different ancestries. The third comparisons object is food. Austrian cooking is one of the most varied in Europe and includes German, Hungarian, Czech, and northern Italian dishes. A typical breakfast is coffee or milk with bread and butter or jam. Also they usually eat sausage served with mustard on a hard roll. Lunch is usually the main meal of the day and consists of soup and a main course of meat-sausage, chicken, beef, pork or fish. The best known traditional Austrian foods include Wiener Schnitzel and various elaborate cakes. Indian food is different from rest of the world not only in taste but also in cooking methods. Every single spice used in Indian dishes has purpose not for the taste but also in medicine range. All Indian food is dealt to four categories: East Indian, West Indian, South Indian and North Indian. Indians are always using rice, vegetables, garlic, milk and lots of spices in food preparation. It is not common for Indians to keep leftover food, if it is bought or made in one day it is consumed that same day. In Austria many people make food for at least two days, because they are to busy to make it everyday. Austria and India are very different; including climate, culture and food they have nothing in common.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Training in the Workplace
My research report is based around a questionnaire designed to analyse employee’s opinions on work based training. In particular apprenticeships, these are widely used by the government to increase knowledge and to train the current workforce in the work place increasing standards. Their aim is to raise the standard of education within the work place. â€Å"However research has shown that the UK lags behind other advanced countries in the quality and quality of the vocational skills held by its workforce†(Greehalgh 1999). Aim and description of mini project Does age affect employee’s perception of training?This research will show if the age of the employee has an effect on how they see the training, will the younger employees value the training more because they can see the benefits of possible career progression, training does increase the chances of promotion and job opportunities. The organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD) supports that training does increase prospects. †Education and training may enhance the potential benefits that individuals can reap from participating in the labour market†(Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development 2004).Will the older staff feel this is a waste of time, they are coming towards the end of their careers and may not want to change? Will the answers help support the policy in France were they start the training at an early age. The research by (OECD) also suggests that training the young and highly educated demonstrates a clear impact on their wages and the older employees this helps in sustaining employment prospects. Are the skills learned actually transferred into the working environment? Using the qualitative approach (Grbich 2013) Carol suggests this is primarily an inductive approach.The data I will be using in my research to obtain the employees opinions on what has been gained from the training and what they feel are the major benefits. Do the employe es feel that there is a benefit at all? The government’s policy in increasing training is supported by Reith L, (2000) she reports that a significant improvement has been reported by several high street chains. Who benefits from apprenticeship training program? Although these staff have all undergone the apprenticeship training, will they use the training in their workplace? Is the training of the correct quality?This research will show if these employees believe if their training is relevant to their roles and if they feel they will be using it during their working day and how often they feel they will use it. The research process The first stage in my research process was to calculate what I wanted to find out, what were my aims and could I achieve them using a small research sample which may be too small to gain a true picture. I decided as all of the distribution staff who had undertaken the training should be asked to participate, thus giving me an accurate sample within our workplace.This however could not be multiplied to form an opinion of the whole population as the training provided to our employees was specific to our field and with such a wide range of course type’s opinions could vary extensively from sector to sector. I have considered a range of research ethics when compiling this research, confidentiality was a one of my main concerns however by informing each participant verbally and also writing a statement at the top of the questionnaire reminding them that this was anonymous.I considered age and as shown in the image 1. 1a I have a spread of age groups. All participants are male, the reason for this is that no females are employed within the sampled department. The reason I personally handed out the questionnaires was to encourage their return, each participant is a member of my distribution team and research has shown that the return rate can be very low unless monetary incentives are used. (Yu, Cooper 1983). I was not in a p osition to offer payment or reward.I provided a sealed box with a cut out so each employee could hand it in without me having the ability to read the questionnaires as they were handed in which would have removed the anonymity. By using a paper version this makes it accessible for all participants to take part and the immediate return to me via the box, thus removing the need to use a return date. This also gave me a 100% return rate and no one how was asked to complete the survey refused to do so although all participants were given a choice. Although I debated using a computer based questionnaire, with built in software to analyse the results automatically.This would have made the analysing part of my research easier, however may not have provided me with a true sample because the older generations within the proposed sample base are not as familiar with computers as the younger staff members. Thus increasing the possibility in their ability and willingness to take part. A report in Sweden suggests Technological advances tend to exclude older adults who grew up without these facilities (Berner, Rennemark et al. 2013) The use of dichotomous questions has allowed me to ask the question and get a distinctive response allowing me to analyse my questions easily.Likert scale questions have enabled me to gather responses based on the scale of opinion with more choices than either or, yes or no. One of my questions for instance is â€Å"How will your training be used in your day to day work? †this is impossible to gauge without the use of the scale. I would have had to rephrase the question and only had the option of used or not used. The dichotomous and likert scale questions have provided all of the information which is used in the results section of this report. All of my graphs and charts have been produced from these questions.The use of the open ended questions has provided me with qualitative responses which are not necessarily useful to create statis tics or prepare graphs, however they do allow me to get feedback and opinion I may not have been able to gather using other forms of questioning. Pilot Study I conducted a pilot study of my questionnaire with 3 other members of staff who would not be participants in the real questionnaire. This gave me the opportunity to evaluate my questionnaire, is it coherent and that the type and way I asked the questions could be understood.De Vaus (1993:54) cited in (VanTeijlingen 2001) suggests using this pilot study provides advance warning and this have proved to be the case so served its purpose exactly. One point that was highlighted was the question on educational levels, I was trying to gather what was their previous levels however the tester found this question was not clear and I amended the final version to include the word previous. A very simple mistake but would have rendered that section of the questionnaire useless, as I would have been unable to differentiate who had answered t he question based on previous or present after the training.Results and finding Image 1. 1a shows the age demographics of the sample As shown in image 1. 1 above there is a random spread of age groups within this sample. I do not have any employees in the department sampled under 18 years of age which would have affected the ethics. No employees are over the age of 65 which also gave me 0%. However the largest age group within the sample are between 26 – 33 years old, a 12% increase on the nearest group. Image 1. 1b below shows the mean, mode and median of the age sample. Image 1. 1b Mean Mode Median 4. 2 26- 33 4 Image 1.2 below shows that 52% have answered very relevant when asked about the relevance of the training in their employment. The mode shows that this is positive and the answers indicate that the training is worthwhile. 16% (4 responses) indicated that the training was not relevant, this can partially be explained by the fact that 2 members of this team are curren tly helping out within another department and most of the training is not suitable. None of the sample who indicated that the training was not relevant was from a particular age bracket, therefore suggesting that there is no correlation between the two and answering my first objective.From the sample used neither the younger or older age groups answered in one particular way. Had the sample been in the thousands this may have yielded a clearer correlation. Image 1. 2 shows the percentage on how relevant is the training. Image 1. 3 demonstrates how the employees feel they will use their training Image 1. 3 above suggests that the training received would be used more often than not. Again the 16 percent can be attributed to those who are currently carrying out other roles. The mode is I will use it every day. Altogether 84% are positive about the training and when they will use it.Not one respondent felt they would not use the training provided. Image 1. 4 below is very surprising, on ly 4 participants (16%) have indicated that English and Maths training would help them in their work. Thus suggesting that most employees already had the required standard and possibly suggesting that the government training is too low of a level for the majority and should be tailored to suit the individuals needs more specifically. (Steedman 1990) argued that NVQ level 1 is too low to constitute an adequate measure of skill for a worker in an advanced industrial economy.However the City and guilds training body states â€Å"Maths and English skills are surely the most valuable vocational skills of all†(City and Guilds 2013) 3 of the 4 (75%) who indicated that this training was useful also answered that they did not have any previous qualifications. Image 1. 5 shows all respondents previous level of education. Image 1. 4 Has English and Maths training helped you in your work? Previous Level of Education Answer Tally Frequency Percent Answer Tally Frequency Percent Degree hi gher education 1. 1 2 8. 00% A Level 0 0. 00% 0 Level 1. 1. 1. 1 4 16. 00% GCSE 1. 1. 1. 1 416. 00% Apprenticeship 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 8 32. 00% NVQ 1. 1. 1. 1 4 16. 00% No Qualifications 1. 1. 1 3 12. 00% 25 25 100. 00% Mean Mode Median 3. 6 Apprenticeship 4 With the exception of English and Maths training my findings show that the training was positive and that this will be used within the employee’s duties and will be useful in the workplace. This indicates that further investment in employee training would be of benefit. This provides the answers to my second and third objective. The question what is most important to you was seeking to clarify the employees main motivation.60% chose self-satisfaction in their ability to complete a qualification as their first choice. While showing your employer you are capable was their second choice and thinking they may get a pay rise was the last option for 87%. (Kovach 1987) supports my theory that monetary reward is not the highe st motivator. Abraham Maslow (Maslow 1948) hierarchy of needs also supports my findings as he demonstrates that self-esteem and self-actualizing needs are in the top layers of the hierarchical pyramid, personal worth and fulfilling one’s own potential are high on people’s needs.The majority also answered the question on whether their employer was correct to invest in staff training answered yes. Reasons provided for answering yes to this questions were provided from my open ended questions which provided me with qualitative data. Respondent A â€Å"because better drivers mean less crashes, so better for the insurance and also reduces fuel consumption†I felt this was answering the question as taught on the training, this is what it set out to achieve in part. Respondent B â€Å"investment in the future of the company†None of the above have mentioned the benefit to themselves and the possible motivational value. Reflection The initial intention of handing out the questionnaires would have worked to my initial planning had in not been for a last minute change to my working patterns. Although this could not have been foreseen, planning for any future questionnaire would now be altered and I would distribute these in the staff pigeon holes and the use of a return date would help, this might have reduced the responses hoverer it would have proved a faster return and not relied on me personally seeing each member of the team.The sample used was selected by me and therefore is classed and non-probability because this was not a random sample and could be a bias sample because of my position within the company I cannot verify if the answers are a true reflection and truthful, I did however allow these to be handed in anonymously and told each participant to be honest. Combining a mixture of qualitative and quantitative provided me with some advantages, the ability to obtain answers from different perspectives and enhancing the validity of my findings, this is suggested by (Grbich 2013).The use of the non-probability sample means that this research cannot be used as a representative sample for the population. Although I found this part of the task easier than expected I feel because of the all-male environment and the small research sample I would like to conduct the same research across multiple companies undergoing the same training and also with mixed sex. It would also be useful to compare my findings alongside those of the management. ConclusionMy conclusion on this research is that from those sampled I cannot find any trends that would suggest from an employee point of view, that the apprenticeship training has a higher value to the younger staff or the older staff. This includes who gains from the training, the employer or the employee. The main motivational reason was self-satisfaction, Demonstrating financial reward is low on most people’s agenda as previous research has shown. The research suggests that from an employee’s point of view the training is relevant and most would use it in the day to day roles within their work place.This is however with the exception of English and Maths, it identifies that the group who found this part of the training useful were the staff with no previous qualifications, the other 84% did not feel it would not help them in their work. This demonstrates that one solution does not fit all and a more tailored training approach with different levels offered to each employee this may benefit and offer a more suitable training approach in the future. To gain accurate results this study would need to be carried out on all apprenticeship trained employees and if done insubject areas this would provide a clearer understanding within a subject area. Does level 1 in maths suffice for a hairdresser who rarely counts compared to a warehouseman who counts daily? Their response to the maths question could have the potentially to vary. References BERNER, J. S. , RENNEMARK, M. , JOGREUS, C. and BERGLUND, J. , 2013. Factors associated with change in Internet usage of Swedish older adults (2004–2010). Health Informatics Journal, 19(2), pp. 152-162. CITY AND GUILDS, July 2013, 2013-last update, Putting Maths and English learning into context [Homepage of City and Guilds], [Online]. Available: http://www.cityandguilds. com/About-Us/Broadsheet-News/July-2013/Maths-and-English-in-context [24th Novembber 2013, 2013]. GRBICH, C. , 2013. Qualitative data analysis : an introduction. 2 edn. London: Sage. GREEHALGH, C. , 1999. Adult vocational training and government policy in France and Britain. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 15(1), pp. 97-113. KOVACH, K. A. , 1987. What motivates employees? Workers and supervisors give different answers. Business horizons, 30(5), pp. 58-65. MASLOW, A. H. , 1948. â€Å"Higher†and â€Å"Lower†Needs. The Journal of psychology, 25(2), pp. 433-436. ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION & DEVE LOPMENT, 2004.OECD Employment Outlook 2004. Revised edn. Org. for Economic Cooperation & Development. STEEDMAN, H. , 1990. Improvements in in workforce Qualifications. Improvements in in workforce Qualifications: Britain and France 1978 – 88, pp. 129. VANTEIJLINGEN, E. , 2001. The Importance of Pilot Studies. Social Research Update, 35, pp. 1-2, 3, 4. YU, J. and COOPER, H. , 1983. A Quantitative Review of Research Design Effects on Response Rates to Questionnaires. Journal of Marketing Research, 20(1), pp. 36-44. Appendix The Questionnaire Training In The workplace I would like to thank you in advance for participating in my questionnaire.You have been selected to take part because you have undergone apprenticeship training within the last 12 months. The reason I am asking you to complete this is to aid my research at Hull University where I am a part time student. The information provided is anonymous and confidential and will not be shared with any part of the business, you r responses will have no effect on your employment and I would appreciate if you could be as honest as possible with your answers. Age Group (circle one age group) 18 – 2526 – 3334 – 41 42 – 4950 – 5758 – 6565+ Gender (tick one answer) MaleFemaleWhat is your highest level Education / Qualification? (Tick one you’re highest only) Degree Higher Education A Level O level GCSE Apprenticeships NVQ No Qualifications How would you rate the following in the order of what means the most to you. 1 being the most important to you and 5 least important to you. (Please write the numbers 1 to 5 in the boxes next to each option). A Qualification that is transferable in the workplace Self-satisfaction in your ability to complete a qualification Showing your employer you are capable of passing A qualification which enables you to perform better at workThinking you may get a pay rise for passing How do you rate the relevance of your training in respect of your employment? (Tick one answer) Very relevant Somewhat Relevant Relevant Not Relevant How will your training be used in your day to day work? (Tick one answer). I will use it every day I will use it most of the time I will use it some times I may use it sometimes I will not use it Part of the training involved key skills maths and English, do you think this element of the training should be included? (Tick one answer). Yes No Would you want to undertake further training? (Tick one answer) Yes No Why did you attend the training?
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